Free Download – The VA Standard Operating Procedure Training Course Library By John Jonas

Free Download - The VA Standard Operating Procedure Training Course Library By John Jonas


The VA Standard Operating Procedure Training Course Library By John Jonas – Free Download – One Virtual Assistant Away VA Made Easy


Let Us Train Your Rockstar VA With The Done-For-You Standard Operating Procedures Training Course Library For VAs


✅ About This Course:


✅ Course Author: John Jonas

✅ Official Course Price: $997

✅ Free For Our VIP Members? : Yes

✅ Download Links : Mega & Google Drive

✅ Course Size : 28.34 GB

✅ Updatable? : Yes, all future updates included.

✅ Sales Page : You can check at the bottom of this page.



🏆 Here’s What You Get & Learn With This Course:


Get immediate access to my massive training course library Right Now.

Every course is specifically designed for your VA to help your VA become an expert in the key fundamental skills, with ZERO time commitment on your part.
Get immediate access to a FULL library of VA Skill Training Courses you can just hand over to your Filipino VA as soon as possible. Each skill is a full training course on its own. No additional tinkering required!
​Bring your Filipino VA from beginner to expert on any skill included in the course library—without eating up your time and attention.
​Give an Expert VA a boost, help them trust you, and give them new ideas for ways to improve your business.
​Each training course cost us thousands of dollars and MONTHS to develop and is designed by an industry expert, making sure we got it right for your Filipino VA.
​Give your Filipino VA a sense of trust, competence, and confidence with your training investment and support. No more worries about the “Disappearing VA” phenomenon!
​Replace yourself and finally become the true CEO of your business. No more grunt work!
Training your VA is more than just improving their skills and knowledge. Training your VA is also a great way to show your VA that you care for them and you trust them.


WHAT YOUR VA WILL LEARN FROM The VA ‘Standard Operating Procedure’ Training Course Library


VA SOP Training Course

Content Writing (for Experienced Writers)
Valued at $1000++
Sharpen your online Filipino specialist’s writing skills with this 63-page manual of pure gold. It’s packed with tried-and-tested frameworks and techniques that will enhance your business’ copy across all of your online platforms.

This course will teach your OFS how to create content that:
Boosts the effectiveness of your sales copy
Builds a more precise SEO content strategy
Generates a strong connection with your client-base across social media
Creates more credibility and rapport within your market
What’s inside?
Here’s the full outline of our premium
Content Writing Course:
Introduction to Content Writing and Copywriting
Overview of content marketing
Questions to ask your employer
Basic anatomy of content writing
End-to-end detailed steps for content writing
​Tools and references
​Your role as a VA
Writing Frameworks and Techniques
Paraphrasing 101
Writing frameworks
AIDA (Attention, Interest, Desire, Action)
PAS – Problem, Agitate, Solution
​4 P’s – Picture, Promise, Prove, Push
​ACCA – Awareness, Comprehension, Conviction, Action
​Hero’s Journey
​Bob Stone 7-step copywriting formula
​Writing techniques
​Rule of Threes
T​ension and information gaps
​Pattern interrupt
​Persuasion techniques
​Writing Headlines
​Headline formulas you can use
​Writing Introductions
​Introduction strategies
​Writing Conclusions
​Conclusion Strategies
Introduction to Social Media and the Platforms
The Business Value of Social Media Platforms
​An Overview on Popular Social Media Platforms
​Social Media Content Writing
​Why You Need a Content Copy
​How to Write a Good Copy
​Social Media Content Creation
​Content Formats
​Visual Content
​Choosing the Visual Content
​Resources for Free Commercial-use Photos
Web Content and Blog Posts
​The Parts of the Homepage
​About Page
​The Value of About Page
​The Parts of the About Page
​About Page Do’s and Don’ts
​Landing / Sales Page
​The Value of Landing Page
​The Objectives of the Landing Page
​The Parts of the Landing Page
​Blog Posts
​The Value of Blog Posts
​The Objectives of Blog Posts
​The Parts of the Blog Post
Writing for Basic SEO
Four Types of Search Intent
​Different Factors That Affect Search Results
​The Value of SEO
​How to do Basic SEO
​Tools to Use
Images and Design Assets
The Value of Images and Design Assets
​General Reminders
Set your business and your content writer up for success with the proven strategies in this in-depth training.

(Note: This Content Writing course is not intended to teach anyone how to write, rather it’s designed to enhance the skills of proficient English writers).

VA SOP Training Course
Customer Support
Valued at $1000++
Your Filipino customer service specialist is the literal voice of your business; everything they do and say reflects on you and your company’s values. Ensure they are saying and doing the right things with our premium Customer Support course.

This course will teach your OFS how to:
Utilize basic customer support tools and software
Establish credibility and professional know-how
Manage common but difficult customer support situations
Communicate and connect with positivity and courtesy
​Transcend potential cultural and lingual divides
What’s inside?
Here’s the full outline of our premium
Customer Support Course:
Introduction to Cultural Awareness
Customer Service Expectations
Modals and Getting to the Point
Asking Questions
Giving Instructions
​Assertiveness and Polite Refusals
Listening Techniques
Intonation and Word Stress
Small Talk, Taboo and Idioms
​Knowing the Caller
Dealing with Customers (Example Responses)
Dealing with Difficult Customers
How to retain and keep customers happy
How to deliver a jaw dropping customer experience.
​Techniques to work on your attitude and stay positive.
​How to handle customer complaints like a pro
​Chat and email training
Digital Phone & Communications Onboarding
Calendar Management
​Cloud Storage & File Sharing
​Intro to Tools (Client Specific Tools)
Equip your customer service specialist with up-to-date social savvy and technological insight. Our Customer Support course will teach your OFS to reflect the integrity of your company in all of their daily interactions

VA SOP Training Course
Introduction to Digital Advertising
Valued at $1000++
Digital marketing can feel consuming and complex–which is why it’s the ideal task to pass off to your OFS.

If you’re ready to confront the potential of digital marketing, our Digital Advertising course will furnish your OFS with tools to achieve your marketing goals.

This course will introduce your OFS to the intricacies of:
Search engine marketing (SEM)
Display ads
Email marketing
Social media ads–with specific emphasis on
Linkedin and
Our Digital Advertising course includes an extensive 172-page manual, workbooks, ‘cheat sheets’ and ready-made templates for your OFS.

Each of these tools is designed to:
Teach your OFS about the different digital advertising systems (listed above↑)
Coach them on how to set up each system
Familiarize them with strategic approaches to use with each system
What’s inside?
Here’s the full outline of our premium
Digital Advertising Course:
Overview to digital strategy
Overview to paid media
Overview to paid media platforms
Things you should ask/request from your employer
​Your role as a VA
Understanding Paid Media
Anatomy of a digital campaign (offer, landing page, copywriting, creatives, targeting, tracking)
Understanding ad objectives (eg. leads, conversions etc)
Campaigns, ad groups, ads
Ad strategies (PPC, SEO, social,email, etc)
​Ad terminologies (CPC, CPM, biddings, etc)
​Audience targeting
​Measurements and tracking (benchmarks, UTMs, etc)
​Summary/ Bringing it all together
​Including theories, relevant screenshots, examples, and video screen captures when necessary
Implementing paid media campaigns: Platform-specific know-how (Facebook, Linkedin, Instagram, Google)
Overview to different platforms and differences
Navigation of ads/campaign manager (or equivalent term used per platform)
Platform-specific know-how (eg. Quality score, biddings, affinity, interests, behavior, etc)
Detailed how to launch an ad per platforms in bold above, from start to finish
Glossary of terms
Online resources for self-study
Practice workbooks
​Planning and reporting cheat sheet/ templates
Note: This is an introduction course on digital advertising and is not meant to create experts after completion. Continue reading down this course description list for information on specific courses like social marketing fundamentals, Facebook, Instagram, Google Ads, Pinterest Ads, LinkedIn, and email marketing.

VA SOP Training Course
Ecommerce Management
Valued at $1000++
Amazon. Ebay. Etsy. Shopify. BigCommerce.

The sheer selling-force of ecommerce is mind-blowing. Whether your business is already deeply entrenched in these platforms or you’re ready to begin tapping their potential, why not pass the workload off to your online Filipino specialist?

That’s why you need our Ecommerce Management course. From creating accounts to listing, payment and fulfillment–we can show your OFS how to manage the entire operation.

This course will teach your VA how to:
Grasp a basic understanding of each major ecommerce platform and their functions
Create selling accounts, profiles and listings within each platform
Execute consistent and effective sales techniques within each platform
Implement dependable fulfillment practices
​Enrich the sales experience for clients and secure them as return customers.
What’s inside?
Here’s the full outline of our premium
Ecommerce Management Course:
Overview to eCommerce
Value of eCommerce
Overview to sections/needs of a general eCommerce site
Your role as a VA
​Things to ask and request from your employer
Basic eCommerce Platform Feature
Must-Have Features
Optional Features
Things to request from your employer
Your Role as a VA
Amazon eCommerce Management
Overview of the Platform
Navigating Amazon as a Seller
Inventory Management
Tips and Tricks
​Best Practices
​Your Roles as a VA
eBay eCommerce Management
Overview of the Platform
Navigating eBay as a Seller
Inventory Management
​Tips and Tricks
Etsy eCommerce Management
Overview of the platform
How to Register and Open a Shop
How to finish setting up the Etsy store
​Etsy Plans & Features
​Selling Fees and Billing
​Payment Gateways
​Customer Service
Account Management Settings
Managing Your Payment Account
Update Your Account Information
How to List Products
​Product Details
​Fulfillment Methods
Resources for:
Overview of the Platform
Navigating BigCommerce
Best Practices
Overview of the Platform
Navigating Shopify
Best Practices
Copywriting 101
Business/platform-related (about us, return policies,privacy, FAQs, etc)
Product-related (titles, descriptions, tags, and other inclusions)
Search keywords
How to select images/videos to include
Do’s and Don’ts
Fulfillment Methods
Overview to order fulfillment and order tracking
Value of logistics in eCommerce
VA’s Role
Fulfillment Methods and eCommerce Management
Order fulfillment
Order tracking
Customer service
Marketing the eCommerce business
Ecommerce strategies
Give your VA confidence with this Ecommerce Management course. Then watch your online sales grow while you invest your personal time and brain-power in the more critical elements of your business.

VA SOP Training Course
Email Marketing
Valued at $1000++
Ignite your email marketing campaign with help from your OFS and our 126-page Email Marketing course.

Email marketing remains one of the most engaging, affordable, customizable and universal ways to connect with your online buyers.

Hand this course off to your OFS and watch them:
Learn the best strategies to capture emails
Drive real-time engagement with relevant content
Use well thought-out lead magnets and regular mailings
Craft effective calls-to-action that drive sales
​Execute best practices for employing various email platforms
​Read email performance reports and analytics
What’s inside?
Here’s the full outline of our premium
Email Marketing Course:
Overview to email marketing
Importance of email marketing
What you need from your Employer (email list, access to platform, etc)
Anatomy of an email for email marketing (type, copy, design, setup, testing, optimize)
How to capture emails/build your email marketing list (with examples)
Newsletter opt-ins
Squeeze pages
Content upgrades/ gated content
Overview to the types of lead magnets you can create (with examples and overview)
Ebooks or whitepapers
Webinars, workshops, masterclasses, courses
​Free resources
What you can do with email marketing/types (with examples)
​Triggered email series
​Cart abandonment
Overview to Aweber
Step by step guide on how to setup the email marketing platform
Identifying the goal of the email marketing campaign
Setting up backend (fixing audience lists, integrating to site, use of plugins, setting up integration with other apps, etc)
Implementing the forms/ Setting up triggers and automations
API keys
​How it works
​Single automation
​Email sequence
Implementing the forms/ Setting up triggers and automations
​Optimization of email marketing efforts
Created exclusively for your online Filipino specialist, our course will reinforce both your OFS’s expertise and your email campaign’s efficacy.

VA SOP Training Course
Valued at $1000++
Mininets are critical to your SEO and boosting your ranking competitiveness, and they’re a perfect way to utilize your online Filipino specialist.

This course clearly defines mininets and guides your OFS through the creation process step-by-step.

This course will teach your OFS:
The purpose, basic functions and benefits of mininets
The best content creation strategies for mininets
Red flags to avoid in your content
Tips to make your mininets as effective as possible
What’s inside?
Here’s the full outline of our premium
Mininet Course:
Overview to email marketing
Importance of email marketing
What you need from your Employer (email list, access to platform, etc)
Anatomy of an email for email marketing (type, copy, design, setup, testing, optimize)
How to capture emails/build your email marketing list (with examples)
Overview to SEO
Overview to link building (internal, backlinks, link wheel, etc)
Overview to mininet and how SEO and link building is related
Importance and understanding mininets
​What you need from your employer
Creating Mininets
All about keywords
Linking strategies
Best practices
Resource list
Apps/ tools to use
Our content-focused mininet approach has been proven effective over and over. Hand this course off to your VA and let them do the time-consuming but crucial work.

VA SOP Training Course
Social Media Marketing Fundamentals
Valued at $1000++
Train your VA to run your social media campaigns with minimal supervision and maximum efficiency using our Social Media Marketing Fundamentals course.

This course will engage their technical skills and intuitive copywriting and show them how to:
Build a compelling social media persona that fits your business
Consistently create and offer quality content to followers
Maximize the design and visual appeal of social media posts
Engage directly with your audience/client-base
What’s inside?
Here’s the full outline of our premium
Social Media Marketing Fundamentals Course:
Overview of social media marketing
How it started and how it evolved
Value of social media marketing
Your role as a virtual assistant
​Overview of your deliverables
​Social media platform basics
​Value of social media strategy
​Questions to ask your employer
​Creating your social media strategy
​Creating target market personas
​Competitive analysis
​Channel strategy
​Best practices
Creating and Curating Content
Value of content
Questions to ask your employer
Introduction to Content Strategy
Value of content strategy
Creating your content strategy
Introduction to Ideation
​Value of ideation
​Content formats
​How and where to start ideation
​Introduction to Copywriting
​Value of copywriting
​Anatomy of good copy
​How to write good copy
​Design and visual development
​Value of design and visuals
​Value of images
​Value of graphic design and layout
​Samples of great content ideas
Community Engagement
Value of community engagement
Introduction to community engagement strategy
FAQs and response guidelines
​Value of FAQs
​How to create FAQs
​Basic community engagement guide
​Best practices
Introduction to publishing strategy
How to create a publishing strategy
​Best practices
Social Media Analytics and Reporting
Value of social media analytics and reporting
Anatomy of social media analytics
​Creating recommendation
Sites for social media resources and update
Sites for content inspiration
​Sample templates for use
Our content-focused mininet approach has been proven effective over and over. Hand this course off to your VA and let them do the time-consuming but crucial work.

VA SOP Training Course
Build an Attractive and Compelling Website with WordPress
Valued at $1000++
Design, aesthetic, layout, and function are integral to the success of your website. Your VA will master the basics of all four with this cutting-edge WordPress course.

Entrust your OFS with the task of creating and maintaining a professional website that navigates flawlessly.

This course will teach them to create/maintain a website that:
Establishes presence and credibility as a leader in the industry
Asserts attractiveness in both design and function
Enacts a smooth conversion path for your visitors
Avoids common pitfalls of website layout and design
What’s inside?
Here’s the full outline of our premium
Wordpress Course:
OImportance of a good-looking and functional site for a businessverview of social media marketing
Balancing good-looking and functional site for a business
What you need before building the site
Your role as a VA
​What you need to ask from your employer
Understanding site building using WordPress
Introduction to WordPress
Classic vs Gutenberg Blocks
Overview to essentials
Pages (Pages vs. Posts)
Posts/Content (Categories, Tags)
Building Your Website
Setting up backend
Choosing a theme for the business
Important factors to consider when choosing a theme
Recommended themes to use for a business
Essentials to include in the site
Pages (minimum pages to include: home, about, contact, products/service)
Features (social share, visible contact info etc)
Essential/minimum website SEO when creating content (What is, Do’s and Don’ts)
Page titles
Using headings
Meta descriptions
​Snippets and excerpts
​Image alt texts
​Link building
​Redirect to SEO training
Setting up opt-in/ catch leads
Content upgrades
How to catch leads
​Setting up lead catcher
How to make the site look professional
Consistent branding
Selecting a color palette
Selecting a typeface
Logos and favicon
Creating custom homepage
​Customize your navigation bar/ menusCustomize your headers and footers
​Customization and optimization
UI settings and optimization (formatting, style, etc)
UX settings and optimization (site speed, caching, accessibility, etc)
Choosing plugins to use for the business
​Forms (opt-ins, content upgrades)
​eCommerce setup
​Site analytics
Quit the constant tinkering and tweaking of your website and entrust your OFS to take the helm with help from our WordPress course.

VA SOP Training Course
Basic Photoshop
Valued at $1000++
If you’re looking for the fastest way to look professional, streamline your branding, and expand credibility within your market, Photoshop is the obvious solution. And this Basic Photoshop course is the best way for your OFS to make it all happen.

After completing our specialized 14-video course, your OFS will demonstrate the ability to:
Create basic graphics for any kind of online content
Attract more sales with better-looking product images
Design your website to be more unique and appealing to customers
Generate more enticing and aesthetic social media posts
​Conform and integrate your branding across all online platforms for a more professional presence
Save costs on pricey graphic designers with in-house Photoshop marketing materials created by your OFS.
What’s inside?
Here’s the full outline of our premium
Basic Photoshop Course:
More than two hours of video instruction that covers the following:
Lesson 1: Introduction to Photoshop
Getting Familiar with Photoshop
Lesson 2: Basic Tools and Essentials
– Move Tool
Different ways to utilize the Move Tool.
– Type Tool
How to create texts using the type tool.
​How to style texts in Photoshop.
​Different types of Text Spacing.
​How and where to access the Character Map.
– Guides and Layouts
Long/Short methods in creating guides and its purpose.
​How to move, remove, lock, and hide/show the guides.
​How to enable and disable the grid.
How to use grid for creating Layouts.
– Shape Tool
How to create shapes in Photoshop.
​How to change the appearance of shape in Photoshop.
​Changing the Opacity of a shape.
– Layer Organization
The importance of organizing the layers and how to rename them.
​Two ways of writing layer names.
– Marquee Tool
Different functions of Marquee Tool.
– Handling Images
How to Import images in Photoshop.
​Difference between a Rasterized Layer and a Smart Object.
​Understanding and creating a Clipping Mask.
– Blending Modes
How to create Color Overlay, Gradient Overlay and its purpose.
​How to apply Drop Shadow.
– Resizing Canvas
The purpose of resizing the canvas.
– Exporting
Difference between JPG and PNG files.
How and when to export Photoshop documents.
​Common Settings in exporting files.
Lesson 3: Common Techniques in Photoshop
– Aligning Elements
Different ways to properly align elements.
– Transforming Elements
Different ways on how to transform elements in Photoshop.
Techniques on how to duplicate layers.
– Pen Tool
Using Pen Tool to create vectors.
Using Pen Tool to create a selection.
The benefits of Photoshop are far-reaching and speak for themselves. Give this course to your OFS and let them impress you.

VA SOP Training Course
Basic SEO
Valued at $1000++
This course is chock-full of instruction on how to run a basic SEO campaign. Each concept is broken into easily digestible video snippets, ideal for your OFS to absorb and retain.

Our Basic SEO course tackles the fundamentals of:
The foundations of SEO
Keyword Research
Technical SEO
On-Page & Off-Page SEO
​Google Analytics
​Advanced SEO
What’s inside?
Here’s the full outline of our premium
Basic SEO Course:
Basics of SEO
Introduction to SEO
​How does Search Engine Work?
​Importance of SEO
​Black Hat vs White Hat vs Gray Hat
​5 Important types of Web pages every SEO expert need to be familiar with
​How long does SEO take?
​The SEO Process
Keyword Research
What is Keyword Research?
​Types of Keywords
​How to perform keyword research?
​Keyword research tools
Technical SEO
What is technical SEO
​Crawling and Indexing
​SEO Friendly URL
​XML Sitemap
​Schema mark-up
​Bread Crumbs
​Site structure
​HTTP Status Codes
​Technical SEO Audit Checklist
On-page SEO
What is On-page SEO
​Page Content Optimization (Meta Tags)
​Identifying and Fixing Keyword Cannibalization
​Content Audit
​5 common On-page SEO Mistakes and How to fix them
Off-page SEO
What is Off-page SEO
​What is Off-page SEO
​Evaluating Backlinks
​Common Link Building Strategies
Google Analytics
Introduction to Google Analytics
​How to install Google AnalyticsDifference between a Rasterized Layer and a Smart Object.
​Interpreting Page Views
​Interpreting Page Views
​Using Google Analytics to boost your SEO
Advanced SEO
Website Audit
​Mobile SEO Audit
​Local SEO
​Top 10 SEO Challenges
​Top 7 Ranking Signals
List of SEO Tools (Free and Paid)
​Technical SEO Audit Checklist
​Content Audit Template
​Google search operators
Do you struggle with online visibility or staying relevant with Google algorithms? Expand your SEO prowess with minimal effort on your end. Give this course to your OFS.

VA SOP Training Course
Advanced Ecommerce: Video Course
Valued at $1000++
If your OFS is ready for more detailed instruction, more technical tips, more integral tools and better results, then it’s time to give them this Advanced Ecommerce course.

What’s inside?
Here’s the full outline of our premium
Advanced ECommerce Course:
ECommerce Review
General understanding of E-Commerce
​Clarity of e-commerce store manager role
Advantages of having an e-commerce store
​Identify types of e-commerce stores
Know the type of e-commerce store that is fit for your organization
Store Setup & Design
Know what an E-Commerce store is and how it functions
Know what tasks are normally performed when managing an e-comm store.
​Know options for e-comm platforms in order to get started
Understanding of Marketing in E-Commerce
​Know the different platforms commonly used for marketing
​Know which platform is fit for your organization
Content Creation
Importance and role of Content in E-Commerce Marketing
Know how content is made/structured
Overview of common/popular content creation tools
Understand the backend and other functions that go into managing an E-Commerce Store
Know the typical VA tasks that are done in backend functions of E-Commerce Stores
The better your OFS understands Ecommerce, the more efficiently your stores will run. Give them this Advanced Ecommerce course and take your online sales a step further.

VA SOP Training Course
Email Marketing (Klaviyo)
Valued at $1000++
Enrich your OFS’s email marketing techniques with additional learning from this Email Marketing video course.

Specifically designed to highlight the benefits of using Klaviyo, this course reviews the platform’s technical details and the best ways to utilize them.

What’s inside?
Here’s the full outline of our premium
Email Marketing (Klaviyo) Course:
Email Marketing Basics
What Email Marketing Is
Uses of Email Marketing
3 Essential Emails
Email Marketing Setup and Website Integration
Email Marketing Setup and Website Integration
How to set up & integrate in website
Kinds of Email Marketing Platforms
​Which to choose and use according to client’s business
Creating Email Sign-up Forms
The Different Kinds of Sign Up Forms
How to Create Email Sign Up Forms
Sending Automated and Broadcast Emails
The 2 Ways to Send Emails
How to Set Up and Schedule Emails
​Tips for Sending Emails
How to Set Up Automated Emails
How to Create and Schedule
​Email Campaign
​Tips for Sending Highly Engaging Emails
Email Templates and Design
Banner (640px width)
Personalized salutation/greeting
​Email body
​CTA Button
​P.S. Section
​Social Media Buttons
​Unsubscribe button
Email List Segmentation
Email Data Analysis & Reporting
Key Performance Indicators
Open Rates
​Click-Through Rates
​Conversion Rate
​Unsubscribe Rate
​Spam Complaint Rate
Email marketing remains one of the most effective and affordable ways to connect with your customers. Let your OFS take over with help from this Email Marketing (Klaviyo) course.

VA SOP Training Course
Facebook Ads & Instagram Ads:
Video Course
Valued at $1000++
Instagram and Facebook are saturated with potential buyers. With this course, your OFS will learn to entice your target market with specially-tailored ads on both platforms.

This Facebook Ads & Instagram Ads course includes 160+ minutes of concise video training; it’s everything your OFS needs to create thriving ad campaigns.

Our video course will guide your OFS through:
The purpose and function of ads on Facebook and Instagram
How to set up Facebook Manager to create ads on Facebook and Instagram
How to manage ad campaigns using Facebook Manager
How to properly target ads on both platforms
​How to avoid common pitfalls of Facebook and Instagram ad marketing
What’s inside?
Here’s the full outline of our premium
Facebook Ads & Instagram Ads Course:
Introduction to Facebook Ads
What are Facebook Ads?
Why are Facebook ads important?
How do Facebook Ads work?
​Are Facebook ads worth it?
Introduction to Facebook Business Manager
What is Facebook Business Manager?
How does Facebook Business Manager work?
Is FB Business Manager free?
​What is the difference between a personal profile and a business manager?
How to Create Ads on Facebook Manager
What is Facebook Ads Manager?
How Do I Use Facebook Ads Manager?
How to Create Instagram Ads on Facebook Ads Manager
What are Instagram Ads?
Why should our client use Instagram Ads?
How to create and run Instagram Ads in Facebook Ads Manager?
How to Manage Your Facebook Ads
Ads filters: Finding the relevant campaigns, ad sets, or ads
Stats filters: Getting the important data for your ad reporting
​Facebook ads manager export, share and save
Facebook Ads Scaling
How the Facebook Ad delivery system works
What are the types of Facebook Ad Scaling Strategies?
​What are the Key Ways to Scale Facebook Ad Campaign?
How to Avoid Common Pitfalls
Prohibited Ads
​Restricted Ads
​Not Following Community Standards
​Mistakes with Ad creatives
​Mistakes with landing pages
If you’re not running Facebook and Instagram ads, it’s time to get started. And if you are, it’s time to hand the operation off to your OFS with help from our Facebook Ads & Instagram Ads course.

VA SOP Training Course
Google Ads:
Video Course
Valued at $1000++
Crucial to any online business, Google Ads’ colossal reach will optimize your visibility and cater to your particular budget.

This video course features 16 condensed tutorials that will initiate your OFS into the world of Google Ads.

Forget about the set-up and the maintenance of your Google Ads campaign–let your OFS handle the details with our premium Google Ads Course.

What’s inside?
Here’s the full outline of our premium
Google Ads Course:
Customer Journey
Google Ads Account Modes
Building a Search Campaign
Keyword Structure
​Other Targeting options
Setting up a Campaign
Direct Platform
Google Ads Editor
Optimizing a Campaign
Budget Pacing
​Bidding Strategies
Analyzing Campaign Data
Google Ads Metrics
Auction Insights
​Insights Writing

VA SOP Training Course
Promoting Youtube Videos: Mini Course
Valued at $1000++
If you’re looking for more frequent, better-targeted Youtube viewers and dedicated subscribers, this course is what your OFS needs.

This brief but effective guide will teach your OFS how to optimize your Youtube distribution strategy.

This is not a course on creating the videos themselves, rather a capstone in Youtube marketing. It briefly covers everything from setting up your campaign and creating ads to monitoring the google ads campaigns that feature your videos.

What’s inside?
Here’s the full outline of our premium
Promoting Youtube Videos Course:
Optimizing Youtube Video Upload
Using the right keywords
Optimizing your videos
Embedding Videos in Blog Posts
Writing Blog Content
Optimize Blog
Promoting on Social Media Channels
Blog Links
Running Ads to Your Videos
Setting-up Your Campaign
Organizing Ads with Ad Groups
​Creating Ads
Monitoring and Optimizing your Youtube Google Ads Campaign
The more your buyers see of you, the more likely they are to convert; so pass this course on to your OFS and watch your Youtube marketing campaign grow.

VA SOP Training Course
Influencer Lead Generation and Outreach Campaign:
Mini Course
Valued at $1000++
This mini course will walk your OFS through the process of partnering with influencers for better exposure.

Do you have clients who love your product and have a following of their own? Introduce yourself to their client base (and return the favor) with this Influencer Lead Generation and Outreach Campaign.

User-generated content (UGC) is like a testimonial that takes its vitamins and spends five hours a day at crossfit–powerful and inspirational.

Your OFS will learn how to utilize influencer experience, testimonials, and opinions to create content that will generate new leads and introduce your product to new audiences.

We’ll show them:
The best way to find influencers who are “talking” about your products/services
How to reach out and establish rapport with said influencers
How to pitch a partnership or affiliate program (includes a sample pitch-deck that we use at
How to create partnered ads, emails and other user-generated content
​How to distribute your USG for maximum exposure
Third-party endorsements provide unique insights and establish confidence in your business. Take advantage of this marketing opportunity; we’ll teach your OFS how!

VA SOP Training Course
Lead Generation for Premium Content (Ebooks): Video Course
Valued at $1000++
Ebooks that are rich-in-information are ideal for hooking curious buyers. Not only will this course teach your OFS how to create an Ebook for your business, it will show them how to set up a promo campaign that doubles as a lead generator.
(Be sure to give this course to a qualified OFS with ample English writing skills, not a beginner)

What’s inside?
Here’s the full outline of our premium
Lead Generation for Premium Content Course:
Intro to Lead Generation
Market Research
Client’s Target Market
​Where Clients Hang Out
​Pain Points of your Client’s Target Market
Promoting on Social Media Channels
Blog Links
E-book Creation
Content Research
Content Creation
​Cover Creation
List Building
List Creation
​Email Catcher from Creation
Welcome Email Campaign Creation
Website Integration
Form Code
Website Page
Organic Promotion
Paid Promotion

VA SOP Training Course
Linkedin Ads:
Video Course
Valued at $1000++
Linkedin ads can be wickedly efficient, depending on the service and/or products your business offers.

This course will teach your OFS to harness the marketing potential of Linkedin. They’ll learn about the different types of ads they can run, how to set up and launch ad campaigns, how to target your audience and optimize your campaign.

This course will also show your OFS how to:
Set up tracking and conversion for your campaigns
Remarket to relevant audiences
Set budgets that work for you
Forecast campaign performance
Linkedin ads boast higher engagement and conversion rates than other social media advertising. Drive more traffic to your site with help from Linkedin ads and your online Filipino specialist.
What’s inside?
Here’s the full outline of our premium
Linkedin Ads Course:
LinkedIn and LinkedIn Ads
Account Creation
Campaign Structure
Campaign Structure Outline
Budget, Schedule, Bidding
Campaign Creation
Optimizing Audiences
Optimizing Ads

VA SOP Training Course
Forum Commenting and Posting: Mini Course
Valued at $1000++
Forum posting is still incredibly relevant. Not only is it free advertising, it’s intensely targeted marketing. And it’s easy.

But it’s not the most valuable way to spend your time…so train your OFS to do it with this quick mini course.

This course will teach your OFS:
How to find ideal forums to post in
How to create accounts for multiple forums
How often to interact with discussions
What forms of interactions are best to use
​How to watch for relevant posts where they can link to your website
​Other common Dos and Don’ts that apply to good posting practices
Push conversion-ready traffic to your website with this simple approach and help from our Forum Comment and Posting Mini Course.

VA SOP Training Course
Linkedin Marketing: Video Course
Valued at $1000++
Grow your network, grow your market, grow your opportunities and grow your sales. That’s what your OFS can do for you with this original Linkedin Marketing course.

Our Linkedin Marketing course features over 25 tutorial videos. From account creation to maximizing lead generation to authority building and marketing products or services, this course is exactly what your OFS needs to get started.

What’s inside?
Here’s the full outline of our premium
Linkedin Marketing Course:
What is LinkedIn and What Makes it Different from other Social Media Platforms
LinkedIn Profile Optimization
​Goal setting: Why Use LinkedIn for Marketing?
Linkedin as a Generation Tool
Networks, Boolean, and Search Customization
Organic LinkedIn Lead Generation
​Lead magnet and sales script
​Landing pages for LinkedIn
Pages and Showcase Pages
LinkedIn Page
LinkedIn Showcase Page
Content Creation
Marketing Goals
Kinds of Contents: Graphics, GIFS, Videos, Articles
​Buyer’s Journey
​Social Media writing basics
​What is Linkedin Articles and it’s difference to a regular post
​Planning, strategy and consistency
​LinkedIn video marketing basics & its advantage
Features and Strategies
Summary of all LinkedIn Features For Strategic Marketing
Creating Strategies based on client goals
​Monitoring and Improvement
LinkedIn Premium Features

VA SOP Training Course
Pinterest Marketing: Video Course
Valued at $1000++
Pinterest is one of the largest traffic drivers in the world. Its high-engagement platform integrates flawlessly with other social media accounts and it has potential to teach you myriad details about your target market.

If you already advertise and engage on pinterest, make it an even better experience by passing it off to your OFS. If you don’t advertise on Pinterest yet, this Pinterest Marketing course is the perfect way to start.

After completing this Pinterest Marketing course, your OFS will become proficient in:
Creating business marketing strategies for Pinterest
Tracking traffic from Pinterest with Google Analytics (to identify what’s working best)
Constructing beautiful Pinterest images with Canva and Tailwind
Preparing reports to track your campaign’s progress
What’s inside?
Here’s the full outline of our premium
Pinterest Marketing Course:
What is Pinterest
Pinterest for Business
​Pinterest Lingo
Basics of Pinterest
How to Set up Your Pinterest Account – the right way
How to Claim Websites and Enable Rich Pins
​Pins & Boards
​How to Create a board
​How to Create & Publish a Pin
​How to Create & Publish a Story Pin
​Pinterest Analytics
​Pinterest Trends
​How to create an Ad
Pinterest Strategy
How to research keywords
How much should you pin daily?
​How to make pins go Viral
Pinterest Management Workflow
Set Up Tasks Checklist
Daily Task Checklist
​Weekly Task Checklist
​Monthly Task Checklist
Intro to Google Analytics
Google Analytics Basics
Tools: Canva and Tailwind
Canva Basics
The right Pin Image size
​Branding Basics
​Tailwind Basics
​How to Organize Boards in Tailwind

VA SOP Training Course
Video Course
Valued at $1000++
After completing this Podcasting course, your OFS will be competent in all of the details (large and small) of organizing, creating and managing a professional podcast.

These 29 videos will coach your OFS in everything from finding potential interviewees and sending formal invitations to researching and preparing featured interview questions.

This course will guide them through recording and editing podcasts, creating graphics, and publishing your podcast on major platforms like Spotify. It will even teach them how to promote and repurpose your recorded content.

So whether you’ve thought about creating your own podcast, you’re looking for help sustaining an existing podcast, or you offer podcasting as a marketing service to your clients, this module is an opportunity waiting to be unleashed.

What’s inside?
Here’s the full outline of our premium
Podcasting Course:
Intro to Podcasting
What is Podcasting
Podcast Niching
​Working on Client’s Goals
Podcast Preparation
Working on Podcast Plan (type, title, audience, promotion, speakers, programs, etc.)
Creating Questions from Speaker’s Topic
​Podcast Creation Checklist
​Podcast Account Creation
Podcast Deliverables
Podcast Materials Preparation (Graphics, Text, Podcast Intro, and Outro)
Guest Speaker Invite
Guest Speaker Form, Headshot
​Recorded video/audios
Email sequence preparation
Podcast Recording
Podcast Editing
Video and/or Audio Editing
Podcast Description & Graphics
Podcast Publishing
Podcast Publishing
Podcast Platform
Youtube Channel
LIVE Videos (IG, YT, FB, LI)
Podcast Marketing
Podcast Publishing
Influencer and Collaborators Research
​Collaborators, and Sponsors Invite (email sequence)
Additional Ideas
Event Repurposing

VA SOP Training Course
Social Media Marketing:
Video Course
Valued at $1000++
The goal of this course is to ensure streamlined content distribution and attractive, polished social media campaigns–organized and executed wholly by your OFS.

Our Social Media Marketing Video Course is a video supplement to the Social Media Marketing Fundamentals Course. It will give your OFS the opportunity to review some of the basics of social media marketing and learn new strategies and skills in a different training medium.

They’ll review concepts like:
Navigating popular social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram and Linkedin
Organizing and scheduling content within those platforms
Designing poignant, compelling and attractive posts
Generating insight analysis and reports
What’s inside?
Here’s the full outline of our premium
Social Media Marketing Course:
Social Media Management Foundations
Social Media Management OFS Job Training Overview
Attributes and Responsibilities of a High-Performing SMM OFS and General Work Requirements
​Tools and Resources you’ll need for OFS work
Growing Your Employer’s Social Media Presence
Introduction to Each Social Media Platforms
Growing Facebook accounts
​Growing Instagram accounts
​Growing LinkedIn accounts
Social Media Content Creation
Introduction to Social Media Content Marketing
Crafting an Effective Content Strategy for Your Employer
​Creating a Content Calendar
​Identify What To Post Through Research
​Basic Photo Editing and Graphic Design
​Basic Video Editing and Animation
​Caption Copywriting and Hashtags
Managing Social Media Platforms
Interacting and Moderating on Social Media
Analyzing Insights and Submitting Reports
Supplementary Reading Materials
List of Tools for OFS Operations, Content, and Social Media
List of Resources for OFS Operations, Content, and Social Media
The more your buyers see of you, the more likely they are to convert; so pass this course on to your OFS and watch your Youtube marketing campaign grow.

VA SOP Training Course
Shopify: Video Course
Valued at $1000++
Do you continually tinker with your Shopify store’s design? Stress regularly about inventory and fulfillment? Don’t have time to fine-tune all of the features of your store? Need more time to focus on other aspects of your business? This course will completely change your game.

This comprehensive Shopify course consists of 22 videos (4+ hours) of intensive training for your OFS. We will give them the tools to manage your entire Shopify store, including fulfillment, from beginning to end.

What’s inside?
Here’s the full outline of our premium
Shopify Course:
Store Essentials
How to start Your 14-Day Free Trial
Introduction to Shopify Pages
​Create Main Store Key Pages
​Create Main and Footer Menu
​Setting Client’s Store Preferences
​Navigate Admin Panel
​Choosing Theme options and Homepage Customization
​Updating Theme Setting and Other Pages
Shopify Dashboard Instruction
Products Introduction
Uploading Product Listing
​Creating Collections
​Editing Products in Bulk
​Orders Introduction
​Orders Testing and Walkthrough
​Fulfilling Orders
Social Media Content Creation
Introduction to Social Media Content Marketing
Crafting an Effective Content Strategy for Your Employer
​Creating a Content Calendar
​Identify What To Post Through Research
​Basic Photo Editing and Graphic Design
​Basic Video Editing and Animation
​Caption Copywriting and Hashtags
​Editing Orders, Process Returns and Refunds
​Creating Manual Orders
​Updating Customer Database
​Creating Discounts and Gift Cards
​Adding Apps from Marketplace
Marketing and Analytics Overview
Creating Campaign via Shopify Email
Setting up Abandoned Checkouts
​Understanding Analytics & Dashboard Overview
​Generating Sales & Product Reports
​Generating Store Finances Reports
​Shopify Payments Payout
Fraud Analysis Report
Profit and Loss Template

VA SOP Training Course
Video Editing for iMovie: Video Course
Valued at $1000++
iMovie is an incredible resource for creating and editing videos that reflect your business’s expertise and vision.

Whether your OFS is an editing veteran or beginner, there is value in this course for them.
This comprehensive tutorial will take them through 3.5 hours of detailed instruction, guided by an iMovie editing expert.

Enrich your online presence with quality videos, created and edited in iMovie exclusively for your business. Give our Video Editing for iMovie course to your OFS now.

What’s inside?
Here’s the full outline of our premium
Video Editing for iMovie Course:
Where to Begin
Communication Platforms to Use
Using Cloud Storage for File Backup
​Types of E-Commerce Video Approaches
​Content Production / Preparations & Requirements
​Research content / Ideas
Identifying Length of Video
Identifying Platform to Use
​Identifying Resolution when uploading
​Seeking client/management approval
Intro to Video Editing
Understanding Advantages
Basic video editing tools and startup software
Important Skills
Importing raw files and organizing them
Video split and transition jump cuts, J-CUT and L-CUT
​Inserting subtitles
​Using free video footage and photos (no copyright)
​Color correction and Filters
​Split screen and using green screen effects
​Using market research data to develop video storyboard
​Inserting copyright music audio in videos
​Inserting video screen recordings
​Developing and using thumbnails and branding logos
​Developing CTA (Call to action ) at the end of the videos
​Optimizing video length and scale for various platforms
​Adding voice overs / using text to speech softwares to Videos
Final Product Submission, Project Summary Report and Billing
Preview of product submission principles
Edited master product submission principles
​Billing Statements

VA SOP Training Course
Video Course
Valued at $1000++
Wordpress is probably the most simple content management system on the web. You can operate a fully functioning, aesthetically pleasing website with all of the bells and whistles using WordPress.

BUT managing the details of a website can also morph into a time-sucking vortex. And that’s why we recommend delegating WordPress to a qualified OFS.

The intricacies of WordPress are fully unfolded for your OFS in this thorough video course. From setting up your website to reviewing the final checklist before publication, this course will equip your OFS with everything they need to know.

What’s inside?
Here’s the full outline of our premium
Wordpress Course:
Navigating WordPress
Introduction and Installation
Login Details
​Dashboard, Work Area, Screen Options
​Admin Panel
Adding a User Role
​Setup through Settings Menu
​Site Title, Tagline, Timezone, Site Language, Permalinks
Free Themes and Paid Themes
Customizing Themes
Installing and Deleting
How to Install
How to Activate and Delete
​Recommended Plug-ins
​Tips on Choosing
Import and Export Content
How to Create a Post
Post vs. Page
How to Create a Page
Landing Page using Elementor
​Home Page Setup using a Custom Page
​Adding widgets on Sidebar
​Main Menu
​Categories and Tags
Adding and Managing other Details
Contact Form
Tracking ID for Monitoring Site Traffic
​Backup your Site
​Logo and Favicon
Gravatar Editing
Author Bio
​Connecting Mailchimp
Managing Comments
​Wordpress Media Library for Uploading Images
​Footer Information

VA SOP Training Course
3 Steps for Quick and Easy Social Media Content Creation:
Mini Course
Valued at $1000++
Marketing in today’s online world translates to content, content, content. Content educates your audience, locks-in your SEO, helps you network with professionals in your market, and ultimately closes sales.

But for your marketing efforts to be truly effective, your content must be quality content.

This mini course will unveil the secrets of pumping out quality content in record time.

The quick, 15-minute video will teach your OFS how to hack content creation using a specialized 3-step process: Content Hacking, Caption Creation, and Grid Creation for Review.

Put your OFS’s skills to work for you with our 3 Steps for Quick and Easy Social Media Content Creation Mini Course.


✅ Great X Courses Guarantee : At Great X Courses, we insist in providing high quality courses, with direct download links (no paid links or torrents). What you see is exactly what you get, no bad surprises or traps. We update our content as much as possible, to stay up to date with the latest courses updates.


You can find more details about the course according to the sales page.


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