The Consumable System By Manuel Suarez – Free Download Course

The Consumable System By Manuel Suarez & Jason Fladlien - Free Download Course


The Consumable System By Manuel Suarez & Jason Fladlien – Free Download Course


Learn How You Can Build Scalable Income Streams One After Another… In A Market That’s Been NEARLY Impossible To Profit From In The Past!



✅ About This Course:


✅ Course Authors: Manuel Suarez & Jason Fladlien

✅ Official Course Price: $3000

✅ Free For Our VIP Members? : Yes

✅ Download Links : Mega & Google Drive

✅ Course Size : 14.38 GB

✅ Updatable? : Yes, all future updates included.

✅ Sales Page : You can check at the bottom of this page.



The Consumable System By Manuel Suarez - Free Download Course



🏆 Here’s What You Get & Learn With This Course:



Module 1:
The Consumables Foundation
Your consumables business journey starts with this module! Here’s what you’re going to discover…

What are the most profitable niches in this huge market that keeps on expanding and growing every single year… (and why, even if every single person reading this page is successful at this, it’s not going to be enough to oversaturate the market!)
How you’re going to simply and effortlessly jump over the barriers of entry that everyone has to deal with in this space (even multi-million dollar companies)
Have your competitors cry foul when you enter any sub-segment of this market at a speed never seen before!
The foundations of building this business for the long haul – protecting and nurturing your brand the right (and easy!) way
And more!
Note: You’ll receive access to this module immediately after investing in The Consumable System.


Module 2:
Understanding The HoneyComm Software
In Module 2, you’re going to discover how to get the most out of your access to HoneyComm software and The Consumable System:

How to get the maximum results in the shortest possible amount of time… and what’s the savviest approach to take maximum advantage of this massive opportunity
Get access to a comprehensive walkthrough of the HoneyComm platform – how to quickly navigate the dashboard, product management, order processing, tracking as well as customization features… Plus, everything you need to effectively handle your customers’ needs and sell them products!
And more!
Note: You’ll receive access to this module immediately after investing in The Consumable System.


Module 3:
Creating A Magnetic Brand And Identifying Your Ideal Customer
In Module 3, you’re going to discover how to find your (profitable!) passion within the trillion dollar consumables industry… and then, build a profitable brand on top of it!

There are two schools of thought – one that says passion doesn’t matter as long as there’s money to be made, and another that says without passion you’ll burn out. They’re both right… which is why you’re going to discover how to look for your passion inside this huge industry AND make sure there’s more than enough profit to be made!
How to leverage AI to find your ideal audience easier and faster – it’s almost eerie how AI can help you massively shortcut the work required (and if you’re just starting out… this is going to help you get up and running WAY faster!)
Speaking of AI… it’s literally going to do the heavy lifting for you when it comes to things like creating logos, writing descriptions and much more. You won’t settle for “good”… when you can get “PERFECT” with AI!
Product pricing secrets that make them appealing to a wide audience (no – cheap is NOT a great price strategy!) and leave a nice profit margin for you to enjoy every time someone buys your product
And more!
Note: You’ll receive access to this module immediately after investing in The Consumable System.


Module 4:
The Strategy Of Building A Successful Brand
You’ll win big… not by luck or winning a small battle here or there. In Module 4, you’re going to discover how to build a successful brand strategy for the long run.

Lessons from a 9-figure consumables brand – including how to create a well-defined strategy and social media presence (easily and painlessly!)
Execute the first brand building steps with AI in minutes… You won’t have to do countless hours of research or get frustrated while you think there’s no solution as you continue to stare at a blank page (check out the tips on how AI can build a brand launch strategy, unique selling proposition… and even spy on your competitors!)
How to make sure others don’t catch you off-guard and outsell you out of the blue (this is not difficult… but super important!)
How to dig deep into your customer’s mind (and uncover exactly how to position your solution in a way that makes sales almost inevitable!)
And more!
Note: You’ll receive access to this module immediately after investing in The Consumable System.


Module 5:
Creating A High-Converting, Profitable Consumable Website
By the end of Module 5, you’ll know how to make a visually appealing and converting website… that’s ready to attract customers and generate sales!

Why, in this day and age, you don’t need tech, design or copywriting skills to build a website that looks professional, pretty… and most importantly, brings you profits by converting visitors into buyers!
You’ll start with finding a memorable domain name (oh, and we’ve got you covered with tips and tricks there!) and then discover how to add features for marketing automation, customer communication, and order tracking… which means you’ll have all bases covered
No more tedious writing – discover how to use AI for your product descriptions. No more struggling with creating delightful images – we’ll show you an amazing piece of software for that.
Bottom line – when you’re done, you’ll have a solid brand presence and identity with a great looking, converting website with all the necessary bells and whistles for successful marketing… even if you never ever built a single page online before!
And more!
Note: You’ll receive access to this module immediately after investing in The Consumable System.


Module 6:
Basic Email and SMS Campaign Setups
The money is in the list – and in Module 6, you’re going to discover how to take that money!

Discover the most effective approaches to creating and sending effective email and SMS, building continuity, and keeping your customers engaged with your brand
Why lead generation will make or break your business – especially in the context of consumable goods… and how building trust with constant communication will turn leads into sales even if you manage to mess up most of the time… and of course, step by step walkthrough on how to do all of this quickly and easily with little to no experience!
How to create a compelling lead magnet using AI – you can have aesthetically pleasing and informative PDF guide in less than an hour even if you know little about the subject
How to kick procrastination to the curb (and simplify everything for a smooth, frictionless operation!)
And more!
Note: You’ll receive access to this module immediately after investing in The Consumable System.


Module 7:
Integrating Amazon As A Sales Channel
Amazon is the biggest online marketplace… and when you successfully integrate it into your marketing, suddenly there’s a steady stream of customers coming your way!

How to ensure that potential customers find your brand and can make purchases… Discover how to connect Shopify, Amazon, and HoneyComm for order fulfillment!
Our main focus here is on building a solid brand that doesn’t depend on a single source of traffic or a single method of marketing… and in this lesson you’re going to discover the power of having additional platforms such as Amazon available to you at all times
No stone left unturned – discover how to set up an Amazon seller account, how to choose the right product category for maximum discoverability, and how to start making sales!
And more!
Note: You’ll receive access to this module immediately after investing in The Consumable System.


Module 8:
The Bootstrap Model (The Zero Advertising Route)
In Module 8, you’ll discover how to achieve success without relying on external investors or paid advertising… letting you hone your chops without having to risk it all!

Why not doing this one thing most people instinctively shy away from will prevent you from enjoying the success you deserve (and yes, this is 100% legal… yet people still won’t do it… but you will!)
How to find and leverage established traffic sources for your business – even if you don’t have a list or a following, you still probably have at least 2 or 3 sources of quality leads you never thought of
Underutilized assets that will help build your ability to leverage customer relationships
Plus… all the tech stuff explained step by step – how to set up a Facebook page, an Instagram profile, a TikTok account… and more!
How to generate engaging content – and never run out of ideas! (Oh, and most of it is going to be done by AI)
Ways to keep up with your content schedule even if your days are PACKED
And more!
Note: You’ll receive access to this module immediately after investing in The Consumable System.


Module 9:
Paid Traffic Secrets For Accelerated Growth
While not 100% necessary for success, paid traffic can significantly accelerate growth… and in Module 9 you’ll discover how to avoid costly pitfalls most people have to deal with.

How to use AI to quickly generate ideas for creative ad assets and generate variations for ads on platforms like Facebook, TikTok, and Google (and keeping it 100% compliant with the rules of each platform!)
Ways to create eye-catching images without knowing the first thing about photography, design, or complicated software like Photoshop
How to track the right metrics to be able to quickly improve your campaigns
How to leverage influencers – and tricks to measure the value, attention, and credibility of the influencer (oh, and if you want, you can “pay” them in free products – we’ll show you how!)
And more!
Note: You’ll receive access to this module immediately after investing in The Consumable System.


Module 10:
Setting Your Brand Up For Long Term Success And Growth
In Module 10, you’ll discover how to take your brand building to the next level – long term viability and ultimately, massive success.

The brand builder flywheel – content creation, marketing, and nurturing sequences
How to generate recurring sales and guarantee customer satisfaction (and loyalty!) – and how to use Manuel’s personal “Block or Buy” policy to keep your focus on the customers that matter the most in your business.
Using these long term strategies with AI to create more effective processes… so you can build your brand with ease!
The five pillars of successful brand building and how they can help you create valuable content and effectively market it to a broader audience
How to build an effective team starting with the first employee… up to hundreds of people working for you! You’ll get a true “insiders scoop” from someone who has over 250 employees between his two companies!
And more!


🎁 Included Bonuses:



HoneyComm Software

With your investment today, you’re getting one full year of access to the “Premier PLUS” version of the HoneyComm software. Premier PLUS is not available to the public and includes everything in the publicly available Premier version PLUS:

The ability to private label unlimited SKUs
Unlimited monthly transactions at no additional charge
Unlimited selling channels from the supported channel list

The HoneyComm platform is going to be the backbone of your business, where you’ll select products, take care of private labeling (with no minimum order quantities), manage your selling channels (such as Shopify, Amazon, Facebook Shops/Marketplace,Instagram Shops, etc) and much more!

All the manufacturing/logistics are going to be taken care of for you when you use the HoneyComm platform!


Full AI Prompt Library

AI is one of those things where you get out what you put in. Specifically, the quality of your prompts will determine the quality of the output you get.

Unfortunately, right now it’s not at all intuitive. That might change in the future, but right now, it’s nearly impossible to guess a good prompt… unless you get extremely lucky.

This is why with access to The Consumable System you’re also getting AI prompt templates that will help you generate everything from your brand name to the marketing materials and content for your brand.

We are talking very specific prompts, examples and more. No more guesswork – you’ll be able to get AI to work for you immediately with fill-in-the blank, copy-and-paste templates developed by AI marketing experts!


SOPs (Standard Operating Procedures)

This is something that very few people talk about (because it’s not fun or sexy), but one of the key things that make the difference between a successful business and a flailing one is whether they have systems in place to do everything.

When you have a system… everything becomes easy. Need to create a marketing video? Follow this system. Need to set up a new product? Follow that system.

Without a system? You’re left scrambling every single time you need to accomplish something.

You know what else is great about systems? You can literally take systems from a business that’s already successful… and implement them in your own environment.

With this bonus, you’re getting Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) that you’ll be able to follow, step-by-step, to get things done as you follow the course to set up your supplement and/or skin care brand!


The Hive Community

If you try to do this on your own, you’ll rob yourself of one of the biggest advantages we can give you as a customer of The Consumable System – The “Hive” Community.

When you invest in The Consumable System today, you get full access to an exclusive, private community where you’ll be able to hang out with like minded entrepreneurs, give and receive value, enjoy training on different subjects, live events, recordings and more.

Plus, you’ll be the first to hear about new features and updates to the course and the software!

The pie here is so big we want you all to be helping each other – and there’s no better way than through The “Hive” Community!

Note: Access to The Hive Community is tied to your HoneyComm Software subscription and will remain active as long as you are an active HoneyComm software subscriber.


The Golden Retriever Method

“So simple a golden retriever can do it”… is the best way to describe the unique and super effective approach you’re going to discover in this bonus.

You’re going to leverage evolutionary psychology (don’t worry, it only sounds complex – it’s actually super easy to use to your advantage!) to hone in on a specific audience… and position your product in a way that makes it irresistible.

This is a HUGE conversion boost… and can get you very nice profits with very little traffic!

Note: This bonus will be delivered via a live Zoom session on September 1st, 2023 at 2PM Eastern. The training will be recorded and will be added to the members’ area within 48 hours of the live event.1


$0 to $100,000,000 Follow Along (Fly On The Wall)

Would you like to follow along as Manuel Suarez creates his next “100 Million Dollar Consumables Brand?” It’s called Goodlife Nutrition and Beauty… and you’ll be there, “fly on the wall” style, every step of the way… able to observe and copy his steps, as he shows them to you live via Zoom!1

You’ll also get access to all the AI prompts, templates, tactics, strategies, etc. Basically everything Manuel will use along the way.

All sessions will be delivered live and recordings will be made available in The Consumable System members’ area so you can access them at any time.

Here’s a sneak peek of the sessions:

Session 1: OCT 2nd, 2023 at 2PM Eastern: The Friends and family method LIVE – Applying the bootstrap model to Goodlife. Templates will be included. Start getting in sales without a penny invested in ads!
Session 2: OCT 19th, 2023 at 2PM Eastern: Review generation strategies LIVE – Now that we have gotten our brand off the ground and running, time to get product reviews!
Session 3: NOV 2nd, 2023 at 2PM Eastern: Setting up upsells, cross sells and downsells for Goodlife LIVE – Let’s get the most out of every customer – we’re going to be adding upsell, cross sell and downsell to increase the average order values!
Session 4: NOV 16th, 2023 at 2PM Eastern: Creating Facebook and IG ads for Goodlife – From creating content to launching ads for Goodlife. We will go over the best performing consumable content formats, copywriting for consumables, split testing and launching ads on the META platforms.
Session 5: DEC 7th, 2023 at 2PM Eastern: Creating TikTok Ads for Goodlife – Same as above but for TikTok.
Session 6: JAN 11th, 2024 at 2PM Eastern: Social Media Unfiltered Ads Audit – In this session, we will review the results for our Goodlife and social media ads. We will go over the basics of scale when a winning campaign is found and we will scale this campaign LIVE!
Session 7: JAN 25th, 2024 at 2PM Eastern: Influencer Outreach LIVE for Goodlife – In this session, we’re going to reach out to influencers.. We will create templates to use to invite them to participate and help us sell Goodlife products to their audience
Session 8: FEB 1st, 2024 at 2PM Eastern: Influencer Outreach Audit LIVE for Goodlife – In this session, we will go over LIVE the results of our influencer outreach. Determine which influencers performed well for Goodlife and use these to zoom in on the ideal type of influencer to help us promote our brand
Session 9: FEB 15th, 2024 at 2PM Eastern: Social Media Content creation for Goodlife LIVE – In this session, we will create an organic content strategy for Goodlife using AI to help us create 30 days of content for our social media channels, both video and graphic
Session 10: FEB 29th, 2024 at 2PM Eastern: Increasing the Goodlife Customer Lifetime Value LIVE – In this session, we will do a deep dive into relationship building, the nurturing of customers and keeping customers coming back for more
Note: Recordings will be made available within 24 hours of the live event in the members’ area, so you can watch and re-watch them at any time!


Bundle Magic (Profit Multiplier)

There’s an art and a science to fleshing out a profitable product bundle, and it’s not always a straightforward process…

… But when you get it right, you’re going to generate massive profits with way less work – because every single customer will be worth much more!

On this training, you’ll discover what makes a great bundle, the psychology that makes one bundle sell (and another fail!), and a ton of hard-learned lessons as well as savvy shortcuts to implement this ASAP!


✅ Great X Courses Guarantee : At Great X Courses, we insist in providing high quality courses, with direct download links (no paid links or torrents). What you see is exactly what you get, no bad surprises or traps. We update our content as much as possible, to stay up to date with the latest courses updates.


You can find more details about the course according to the sales page.


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