Patient Accelerator Coaching Program By Paul Gough – Free Download Course

Patient Accelerator Coaching Program By Paul Gough - Free Download Course


Patient Accelerator Coaching Program By Paul Gough – Free Download Course


You Will Get The Complete Blueprint To Attract All The New Patients That You Need, Transform Your Website And Direct Marketing, And Increase Your Clinic’s Profits By 50% To 250% In The Next 10 Months And Done With You Inside Of 12 Weeks!



✅ About This Course:


✅ Course Author: Paul Gough

✅ Official Course Price: $3800

✅ Free For Our VIP Members? : Yes

✅ Download Links : Mega & Google Drive

✅ Course Size : 15.73 GB

✅ Updatable? : Yes, all future updates included.

✅ Sales Page : You can check at the bottom of this page.



🏆 Here’s What You Get & Learn With This Course:


There’s something on this course for every type of PT Owner – In-Network, Hybrid, Cash – and in reality, because of the profit windfalls you will make, it will not cost you a single penny to take this 10 Month Marketing Master Class.


Here’s a sample of what you will discover:


The 7 essential steps to breaking FREE from relying upon referrals from doctors – each one new.

Specific templates for: ads, emails, scripts, sales letters and promotional material to attract and convert high net worth patients

The secret to beating the big hospital systems to New Patients… EVEN IF you have a tiny fraction of their marketing budget

How to get new patients to come to your clinic – even if their doctor recommends another PT

Simple strategies for eliminating insurance headaches – starting today

The “Cash Clinic Success Secret” – how to create a genuine waiting list for your clinic and how to use this strategy to command higher prices

The “In-Network Success Secret” – the complete marketing framework that’ll put an end to issues like patient “copay” and “high deductibles” meaning much higher profits for you and your clinic

How brand new PT businesses can DOMINATE their small towns using the simple Education Based Marketing strategy

In two steps, how to beat your competition to affluent new patients in your community

Essential Website and online strategies to bring in new patients 24/7 (…don’t change another word on your website until you’ve seen this)

Acceleration – how to speed up the journey from “Inquiry” to high paying patient (and then to cash upsell!)

How to double your cash prices over night – and simultaneously attract more new patients for doing so

The “grow your business automatically” model – I’ll show you my complete system for automating new patient attraction

The PT clinic millionaires – the untold secrets of the world’s highest-income PT Owners (…and how you can join them inside 12 weeks)

The secret “insurance cuts protection strategy” – I’ll show my step-by-step process for selling any cash pay service you want: from massage, to orthotics to exercises classes (…protecting your profits as you do so)

Google, Facebook, Powerful Email Marketing strategies, Native Advertising and “Remarketing” – and how to MASTER them all to bring new patients your way

And so much more inside of 12 Weeks!

Here’s what I have for you in this special program. You may see glimpses of things you have heard about before… but make no mistake, most of this stuff is new…

Video Seminar #1
Foundations of Marketing System Success
On your first video seminar we’ll be mastering the 3 absolute golden rules of Marketing that will create the foundation for all of your future business success.

A sample of what you’ll discover:

The most important and critical aspect of your PT business’s Marketing – revealed within the first 10 minutes
The one simple WORD to use to ensure your Marketing only attracts your ideal patients – leaving the time wasters and price sensitive ones to your competitors…
How to remove ALL risk from Marketing (Never again waste money on ads that don’t work)
The #1 secret for GUARANTEED PT Marketing success (This is all about attracting the AFFLUENT, delighted to pay your higher fees)
Video Seminar #2
Appointment Generating Miracle System
What you’ll master on this video seminar is quite simply, one of THE fastest ways to boost your clinic’s profits – conversions… how to get more patients on schedule from ANY referral source.

A sample of what you’ll discover:

8 simple (and mainly automated) ways to convert inquires to high paying patients. This works no matter how large the patient’s deductible or copay and the rewards are HIGH when you master this…
What to ASK in the first “3” minutes of receiving an inquiry that will almost guarantee the conversion takes place (Hint: this has nothing to do with their pain or physical therapy. See how they react when you start asking this…)
The simple rules for getting to “YES” on the phone (and then getting EVERY future appointment booked at the same time)
Video Seminar #3
Pricing For Profits
A key goal for you and I working together on this program is for you to achieve ‘Price Freedom’. What is Price Freedom? It’s the ability for you to charge the prices you want, the prices you deserve, without losing patients.

If you’re a “cash” owner, you simply cannot build the business you desire if you’re constantly being beat up over price… and if you’re an “IN NETWORK” provider, it’s vital you know more about Price Strategy so that you can make higher profits on any patients who want to pay out of network.

I will show you how to establish a Premium Pricing Strategy, where you’re not only charging more than the competition, but your patients are more than happy to buy at those prices.

A sample of what you’ll discover:

What they are REALLY telling you when they say they can’t afford the co-pay or deductible – and how to ensure it doesn’t keep getting in the way of you having higher profits!
“Price Elasticity” – what is it, HOW TO DO IT and why it makes sky-high prices at a cash PT clinic EASY to enforce.
Cash Owners – how to quickly defuse the “Pay Out of Pocket” time bomb that starts ticking when patients realize you’re a cash clinic! Here’s simple way to stop most patients walking away to another provider…
Video Seminar #4
10 X Referral Engine
On this Module, we show you how to take everything you discovered in the first 3 weeks and create an INHOUSE referral system that generates referrals – for FREE.

We show you how to use the Accelerator Method to triple – possibly even quadruple – your referrals.

If you’re new to marketing, this is the BEST place to start and using our little know “Info First” Referral strategies, you can get instant results.

Done right, referrals are the easiest way to get new clients for your PT Clinic and used alongside Facebook and Google to acquire new patients from the community, you’ll have an explosion of low-cost patients for your business.

Whether you’re a start-up or established owner, this seminar will show you risk-free attraction strategies to accelerate referrals.

Video Seminar #5
Essential Internet Marketing for Online Profits (Facebook And Google)
On this Module, we’ll have a special focus on the new Facebook Advertising strategies clinic owners are using and we’ll look at everything from something called native advertising, remarketing, Instagram advertising as well Google Ads – easily the most important marketing breakthrough this century.

A sample of what you’ll discover:

8 Secrets for making 6 Figures per year EXTRA at your clinic, just by using Google Ads (…with only a $10 ad budget)
Forget asking for “likes” on Facebook… that’s NOT how you get new patients from this platform (it isn’t even about “boosting posts”… it’s much simpler than that and here’s the two-step process to make it work first time…)
What Facebook won’t tell you about how to make money using Facebook – that I will (…Discover this quickly, BEFORE they realize what we’re all doing)
Best, there’ll be no excuse for not using any of these Internet Marketing secrets… because you can have all of my ads, templates and exact landing pages making your success inevitable.

Video Seminar #6
Old School Marketing Mastery – Including Direct Mail, Referral Flyers Every Door Direct Mail, & Newspaper Advertising
Done right, Direct Mail can be the key to a goldmine of additional profits for your clinic. If you are growing a PT business, you will want to master this fundamental subject. In this seminar, I will show you how direct mail can play a vital role in your PT business success.

Plus – one of the most overlooked and powerful marketing tools remains local Newspaper Advertising. If your business is not using local Newspaper Advertising effectively to acquire new patients, you are probably losing out on a small fortune.

A sample of what you’ll discover:

Six magic steps to targeting wealthy and AFFLUENT patients with simple, black and white postcards (Even better, all living within 5 miles of your clinic – this works extremely well for cash and hybrid clinics)
White-hot postcards and newspaper ads to copy from… learn what the most profitable ones look like… what words to use…what to offer…what size to mail out…important stuff that most PTs only get to find out after years of trial and error
The exact ad template that I used bringing in the highest number of inquiries for an “in-network” PT (Andrew got “44” (yes, 44) calls from one $550 back pain ad in a local Sunday paper in Orange County!)
Video Seminar #7
Social Media and Email Marketing
– The Wheel of Engagement
Everyone knows that it is getting harder to get your social content seen these days and if you’ve ever been frustrated because your Facebook, YouTube, Instagram or even your Emails to past patients are going un-noticed – then this Module will solve that problem for you.

I’ll be taking you behind the scenes of my own content making engine – and showing you how we create and distribute content with minimal fuss and maximum impact.

This is a “look over my shoulder” seminar where I show you exactly how I have grown two of my businesses and the content strategy behind it.

Here’s just some of what you’ll learn on this module:

How to get your Facebook, YouTube, Instagram and social media posts actually seen, liked and shared…
How to get more ENGAGEMENT from your Social Media Posts…
The secret to growing your audience on ALL of these platforms by doing this one simple thing…
Video Seminar #8
The Most Profitable Website On The Entire Internet
What sets great physical therapy businesses apart from the average ones online is their ability to convert web visitors to paying patients.

If you’ve experienced the frustration of having people come to your website but not become patients, you are not alone. The average conversion rate online is just 1%. The most successful PT business owners we work with are converting visitors at 15% to 30%. This Seminar will transform everything you do online as you master the secrets of effective and profitable website conversion.

A sample of what you’ll discover:

The 4 big mistakes your web designer is almost certainly making with your website – and what to do instead
Essential conversion strategies – 5 different ways to convert visitors to your website into paying (It’s worth attending just for this…and if you’re a cash pay clinic, it’s VITAL)
Your Website home page – 3 simple changes that will dramatically improve the acquisition of new patients no matter what the rest of your site looks like
Video Seminar #9
Community Events and Workshops
In this module, you’ll discover the art and science of successful “events”. These types of things may be on hold right now in some places due to COVID, but, they will be back in your town very soon and it pays to be ready to profit when they are.

Community events and Workshops are a tried and trusted source of new patients for PT clinics and we’ll show you how to combine the everything you’ve done in the previous modules to ensure that the next time you run a workshop – in person or online – you will know how to get new patients from it!

Video Seminar #10
Build Your 90 Day Marketing Plan Road Map
Now that you are armed with all of the tools, strategies and campaigns that you need to build your marketing system, the next thing you need is a 90-day road map to follow!

This is where we bring some order and structure to your marketing activity – not to mention rhythm and routine! We will break down precisely what you should be doing each day, each week and month so that you’re never stuck for knowing what to do next.

Video Seminar #11
Accelerator Superstar Implementation Panel
At this point you’re likely looking for that final push to go off and implement on everything we’ve taught you… what better way to do that than give you concrete proof of how to do it … from others who have done it before you.

During this module, we will bring on some of the most successful past Accelerator students to let them share with you how they were able to take this course and turn everything gave them it into results.

You’ll also have time to ask questions about everything from what works best and what budgets you might need to spend on what strategy as well as how to get your team onboard with your new marketing direction. Important stuff that you need to consider if you want to be successful long term with marketing.

Video Seminar #12
Rapid Implementation Secrets: How to Implement Your New Marketing System with Ease and Speed
In this one, Paul will share with you precisely what is needed to implement this system with ease and speed from his own experience and from working with over 800 clinic owners during this course.

Paul will talk about how to plan your day effectively, the secret to how he gets so much done despite having so many responsibilities as well as how a busy clinic owner should think about time, how to prioritize and what to tolerate from staff and for how long. This is all about EXECUTING and once you hone this habit with your marketing it will show up everywhere in your life. Watch your profits SOAR when it does.

This is a brand new module that is sure to light a proverbial “fire under your arse” and ensure that you can do nothing but go away and implement everything you’ve learned in the 11 weeks before.



Patient Accelerator Coaching Program By Paul Gough - Free Download Course





“7 Quick Fixes That Will Immediately Boost Your Clinic’s Marketing Profits” (Value $347)

This Marketing program is designed to recoup your investment in Accelerator… BEFORE the Accelerator course even begins. The “7 Quick Fixes” program shows you 7 of the most simple ways to immediately boost your bottom line by compelling more cash paying patients to inquire about you online, to pick up the phone and call you, or to walk through your clinic doors. Get profit-boosting improvements to your clinic marketing that can make a big difference – starting TONIGHT.


All 7 of these videos will be sent to you the minute you register your place on Accelerator.



This download includes all the workbooks and pdf’s, Q&A’s etc…



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You can find more details about the course according to the sales page.


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