Hypnosis Diploma School By Igor Ledochowski – Free Download Course

Hypnosis Diploma School By Igor Ledochowski - Free Download Course


Hypnosis Diploma School By Igor Ledochowski – Free Download Course – Practitioner Of Life – Hypnosis Training Academy


Elite, Cutting-Edge Hypnosis School Creates Proven “Wizard-Level” Hypnotists!


✅ About This Course:


✅ Course Author: Igor Ledochowski

✅ Free For Our VIP Members? : Yes

✅ Download Links : Mega & Google Drive

✅ Course Size : 16.20 GB

✅ Updatable? : Yes, all future updates included.

✅ Sales Page : You can check at the bottom of this page.


🏆 Here’s What You Get & Learn With This Course:


The Hypnosis Skills Training Course will enable you to create huge and positive transformations in other people (getting yourself a rep as one of the best!), and the Applied Conversational Hypnosis Skills Training Course (used in “concert” with the Hypnosis Skills Course)…

That Will Raise Your “Game” To The Status Of A True Master In The World Of Hypnosis!
3: Professional Skills Coaching Course
Professional Skills Training Course The other stream that’s included in the Hypnosis Diploma School is the Professional Skills Coaching Course.

The main purpose of the Professional Skills Coaching Course is to enable you to create professional contacts and relationships with others you come into contact with.

If you want to generate a better than average income as a hypnotist it is imperative that you learn how to create professional contacts and relationships with people in your community.

Professional contacts and relationships are THE DEFINING CHARACTERISTIC that makes it possible for you to get the highest level of recognition, respect and financial rewards from your skills as a hypnotist.

It’s the Professional Skills Training that allowed the student I mentioned a few paragraphs back to triple his income in just 3 months.

He didn’t do any marketing or advertising (he actually took his website down). Nor did he do any traditional selling-type activities.

All he did was…

Learn How To Establish Himself As A True Professional Within His Community
Just by doing that (and it’s easier than you might imagine)…

He went from a position where he had to use his personal savings to support his hypnotherapy business to the position where his hypnotherapy practice is now supporting him.

He became financially stable and this was within just finishing only the first module of the Professional Skills Training Course.

Of course I can’t guarantee that you’ll triple your income in 3 months — but when you are in the Hypnosis Diploma School I can absolutely give you every single one of those tools that you will need.

And I can show you all the obstacles that will be in the way and how to solve those obstacles. I’ve done it myself and taught other people how to do it.

As long as you’re willing to be flexible and actually work the system, then I have every confidence that it will help establish the necessary professional contacts and relationships you will need in order to become a highly respected (and well-paid) hypnotist too.

BONUS: Mind Training Skills Course
Professional Skills Training Course I’ve not stopped there, however, and have added a wonderful bonus that gives you ongoing DAILY support for your unconscious mind.

This Unconscious Mind Training consists of special mind training audio exercises (I call them Hypnotic Meditations) that will be sent to you for the duration of the Hypnosis Diploma School.

That’s 730 unique Hypnotic Meditations (recorded by me) you’ll be able to listen to over the syllabus of the Hypnosis Diploma School.

Each of the Hypnotic Meditations builds in the…

…best of hypnosis, as well as…

…the best of mindfulness, and…

…the best of neuroscience…

…and neuro-plasticity…

…all of those aspects (hypnosis, mindfulness, neuroscience and neuro-plasticity) have been combined to produce the “super-strain” of powerful hypnotic meditations you will be able to take advantage of each day.

What exactly do I mean by “super-strain” of powerful hypnotic meditations?

Well, by listening and engaging with the daily hypnotic meditations you will gradually experience a re-engineering of your mental and emotional “wiring” to that of a world-class hypnotist.

And by the end of the Hypnosis Diploma School you will have the mental acuity and “sixth-sense-like” intuitive-intelligence on a par with…

“Hypnosis Wizards” Like Milton Erickson Or Any Other World-Class Hypnotist You
Aspire To!
That’s right – through listening and engaging with the daily hypnotic meditations your mental and intuitive circuitry will adapt and evolve to “sync” with the mental and emotional circuitry of a ‘Milton Erickson’ like hypnotist.

This is cutting-edge neuroscience and neuroplasticity we’re leveraging.

Here’s what’s important to understand (if you want to get an idea of what happens through listening and engaging with the daily hypnotic meditations):

Basically, your brain is connected to the rest of your nervous system via what are called lamina (located in your spinal column).

Each lamina is like a fiber optic cable into your body, and each lamina connects to your nervous system in different ways.

The lamina you and I as hypnotists are interested in most is called Lamina 1.

Lamina 1 can be thought of as the body’s “fiber optic cable” that is responsible for…

Trafficking Messages From Your Body’s Intuition To Your Cognitive Brain.
“So what ?”, you might say.

Well, here’s the all-important so-what of it:

Professional Skills Training Course One of the overriding (yet often overlooked) reasons Milton Erickson became such a sublimely effective hypnotist is that he is likely to have developed one of the most highly receptive Lamina 1 connections in the entire field of hypnotherapy and psychotherapy.

(Erickson, of course, had to do it the hard-way: by engaging and developing sensory awareness into his body while he was paralyzed from the Polio infection).

Anyway, again: If you want to have that highly intuitive sense shared by all the great hypnotists (past and present) it is necessary to engage and develop your Lamina 1 connection (your body-brain “fiber optic cable”).

When your Lamina 1 connection is strong and you’ve developed a highly-intuitive sense (like Milton Erickson)… it will be like…

You’ll Know What To Do In A Hypnosis
Session Before “You” Know What To Do!
Your unconscious and your intuition will guide you into doing and saying the right thing whenever you do hypnosis.

That’s the level you must get to IF you want to be considered a major force and major talent in the world of hypnosis. And the only way to get to that level is to strengthen your Lamina 1 connection.

Most people have no clue how to do that, or even that it’s necessary.

Luckily for you the most structured and sequenced way to gradually (and safely) develop your Lamina 1 (body-brain connection) is through listening to the daily Hypnotic Meditations that you will get as a bonus to the Hypnosis Diploma School.

It’s the most direct way to develop your body-brain intuitive connection and thus, it will add to your success and effectiveness as a hypnotist and IN EVERY AREA OF YOUR LIFE!

Now, in addition to the 3 structured skills training components plus the added bonus unconscious mind training just covered, the distinction that sets the Hypnosis Diploma School above and beyond all other training programs is the…

Hypnosis Trainers To Help You
Get The Best Out Of Yourself
Group PractiseThe first key feature is the daily practice groups with an experienced hypnosis trainer.

The experienced hypnosis trainers will be available to speak with you to answer your questions, arrange practice partners for you or even help you get past your sticking points in any aspect of hypnosis.

No longer will you have to wait months or years to attend a respected live training seminar or workshop in the hope that they might help you progress past your sticking points.

Now you will be able to speak to a trainer and get their personalized attention to ask them anything you want related to hypnosis or setting up a hypnosis practice – and they will draw upon their experience to help you out to the best of their ability.

And if they don’t personally know the answer to your question, you can be sure they can connect you up with someone who does!

Plus There’s Even More Personalized Support Available For You Whenever You Need It!
As soon as you start you’ll have access to an Orientation Guide who will help you navigate the Hypnosis Diploma School and answer any initial questions you have.

1 on 1 PractiseYou’ll also be paired up with a Buddy Mentor, who will be able to share with you their experience in the school and answer 1 to 1 questions you might have as you go through the training modules outside of a practice group session.

And if there is a sticking point that requires high-level 1 to 1 help, then you’ll also have access to a Student Advisor who can resolve any issues.

Frankly, this ongoing tutoring aspect of the Hypnosis Diploma School is just priceless in the way it will seriously accelerate your progress as a hypnotist.

I don’t know where else you could go to get this kind of access to personal mentors and trainers experienced in all matters related to hypnosis and setting up successful hypnotherapy practices.

And if having 1-to-1 access to get your hypnosis related questions answered is not enough…

…the second distinction that sets the Hypnosis Diploma School apart from any other hypnosis training program in existence is that…

You Also Can Practice Hypnosis DAILY With Your Fellow Students – Wherever They Are Based In The World!
1 on 1 PractiseThis is unique in the world of hypnosis — we have (as part of the Hypnosis Diploma School) special voice and video functions making it possible for you to connect with others in the school online and have free one-to-one live practice sessions at your convenience!

And you’re going to have plenty of eager students just like you to work with there.

This is hands down one of the most beneficial things that we have to offer in the Hypnosis Diploma School.

See – the bottom line is this: If you want to progress quickly as a hypnotist you simply must be practicing hypnosis on a regular basis.

More than that, you must also be consistently practicing hypnosis in a progressive, growth-oriented way.

You cannot get around that fact.

And that’s one of the major reasons why many very dedicated hypnotists never advance as far as they could.

They simply do not have the means to practice hypnosis daily (with other people) and do so in a progressive, growth-oriented way.

Well, that will never be a problem or a stumbling block for you in the Hypnosis Diploma School – because like I’ve mentioned you’ll be able to practice with other members of the Hypnosis Diploma School EACH DAY IF YOU CHOOSE.

And you will also be given guidance on progressive practices to experiment with as you advance your skill-set.

All I’ll say here is get ready for a massive transformation in your skill-sets as a hypnotist as you regularly practice with other like minded members of the Hypnosis Diploma School.

Another major advantage of the all the opportunities you’ll have to practice new hypnosis skills daily (in addition to the fast progress you’ll make in your skills and abilities) is that you get your failures out of your system in a safe, supportive and encouraging environment.

Not in front of a client in a tense therapy session!

Also: By connecting, talking, and practicing daily with other people who are also driven to be the best in the field of hypnosis, they will have a huge uplifting effect of your rate of progress and development as a hypnotist.

It’s a very powerful dynamic that cannot be found anywhere else in the world of hypnosis!

Which, in itself, is worth its weight in gold in terms of your confidence level when you actually work with real people and their issues!

It gets better still….

Because when you’ve enrolled into the prestigious Hypnosis Diploma School you also get to take advantage of…

LIVE Hypnosis Training
Certification Discount Vouchers!
Live online or offline workshop-style trainings are also a key ingredient on your way to becoming a major force and major talent in the world of hypnosis.

People who’ve been to a Hypnosis Training Academy Live Certification Training know that we cannot certify anyone in hypnotherapy without a live online or offline training where we can assess your hypnosis skills in action.

So, yes, when you are enrolled in the Hypnosis Diploma School there are 3 live certifications trainings that you need to attend.

These trainings are put on by our licensed trainers around the world in various timezones.

Discount Voucher for LIVE Training Certification Programs And we’ve negotiated a special “50% OFF Hypnosis Diploma School Discount Voucher” for you to attend any of these trainings.

This discount is ON TOP OF any “early-bird enrollment discounts” and is exclusive to you as student of the school!

Talking of the certification that comes out of attending those live workshops — you’ll have three different levels of certification you can go through.

One live certification should be taken during the first half of the Hypnosis Diploma School (this first certification will allow you to start practicing as a professional fee-charging hypnotherapist, if you so choose).

This is a 6 Day Professional Hypnotherapist Certification
Then TWO live certifications will come in the second half of the Hypnosis Diploma School.

These are the 6 Day Practitioner Of Ericksonian Hypnosis Certification and the 6 Day Advanced Practitioner Of Ericksonian Hypnosis Certification.

And aside from the trainings and certifications – you’ll get to meet, face-to-face (or screen to screen), fellow members of the Hypnosis Diploma School at the live online/offline events. This will take your relationships within the hypnosis community to a whole new level. I wouldn’t be surprised if you make contacts and friendships for life at the live hypnosis trainings.


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