Ship 30 For 30 By Dickie Bush & Nicolas Cole – Free Download Course

Ship 30 For 30 By Dickie Bush & Nicolas Cole - Free Download Course



Start Writing Online In 30 Days – Ship 30 For 30 By Dickie Bush & Nicolas Cole – Free Download Course


Ship 30 for 30 is a cohort-based course teaching you the fundamentals of writing on the internet.


✅ About This Course:


✅ Course Authors: Dickie Bush & Nicolas Cole

✅ Official Course Price: $350

✅ Free For Our VIP Members? : Yes

✅ Download Links : Mega & Mediafire

✅ Course Size : 20.74 GB

✅ Updatable? : Yes, all future updates included.

✅ Sales Page : You can check at the bottom of this page.


🏆 Here’s What You Get & Learn With This Training:


🗺️ The Ship 30 for 30 Course Guide
To help you make the most out of this sprint, we created The Ship 30 for 30 Course Guide—a printable, step-by-step guide mapping out every single task you need to complete during the program to get the most out of it.

And Shippers LOVE it.

Because it tells you exactly what you need to get done each day of the program to be successful.

So, as long as you follow the directions, we can guarantee you will have a transformational experience—just like the 10,000+ Shippers who have completed the program to date.

💻 The Ship 30 for 30 Curriculum
Ship 30 for 30 is a self-paced 30-day writing challenge + curriculum teaching you:

• All the fundamentals of writing online
• Proven idea generation & writing frameworks
• Headlines & Hooks templates
• Formatting upgrades
• Copywriting secrets
• Analytics best practices
• Category creation

And so much more!

(Shippers frequently tell us the Ship 30 for 30 curriculum alone should cost upwards of $6,000. But we’re on a mission to help 1,000,000 people start writing online, so we’ve made it much more accessible than that!)

🎉 The Ship 30 for 30 Skool Community
Skool is our closed community platform where Shippers can introduce themselves, chat with other Shippers, interact and comment on each module, make friends, share resources, and more.

This is also where you can find Shipper-led events and participate in community-curated experiences!

Writing online can be lonely—but it doesn’t have to be.

Inside our Ship 30 for 30 Skool Community, you will be able to meet and connect with hundreds of other likeminded writers and creators on the same journey.

🔥 Rapid-Fire Intros
Reaching out and connecting with others can feel intimidating.

But in Ship 30, we remove this friction with our Rapid-Fire Introduction System.

As a member of the Ship 30 for 30 community, you will be able to use our rapid-fire introduction system to serendipitously meet other writers and creators!

The best part?

You can use this feature and get introduced to other Shippers as many times as you want throughout your entire Ship 30 experience.

Shippers constantly tell us this is one of their favorite parts of Ship 30 for 30, and that the people they’ve met in the community have become great friends, mentors, even business partners.

📝 30 Days Of Writing Templates In Typeshare
If you’ve seen Ship 30 for 30 on X (Twitter) or LinkedIn, chances are you’ve seen the beautiful Atomic Essay templates we provide every Shipper.

Shippers write and publish their essays in our very own digital writing product, Typeshare.

Inside the web app, you have access to hundreds and hundreds of proven digital writing templates, your own customizable Social Blog, and even 30 days of writing prompts & templates to make sure you never run out of things to write about all throughout Ship 30.


Welcome to Ship 30 for 30

Learn the fundamentals of digital writing
On the surface, Ship 30 for 30 is a course teaching you how to write effectively on the internet.

Upon joining, you’ll unlock a 4-week curriculum packed with frameworks that guarantee you become a prolific digital writer.

8 Live Sessions covering everything you need to know to write effectively on the internet

BONUS ACCESS to all prior Ship 30 for 30 live session recordings (over 100 hours of content)

16 recorded modules digging deeper into the frameworks introduced in the live sessions (over 20 hours of recording you have access to forever)

✍Templates, examples, and swipe files for you to download and use (that will save you hours of headache in the future)

Weekly Q&A sessions to reinforce everything you’ve learned (and make sure nobody gets left behind)
Put your learnings into practice by writing and publishing every day for 30 days
Other writing courses charge you thousands of dollars, only to wave their hands in the air with “theory.”

And by the end, you leave with a bunch of notes that sit in a folder for eternity. Meanwhile, you’re still confused and unsure about the next step to take.

But Ship 30 for 30 is about moving quickly, taking action, and keeping a tight feedback loop.

You will write and publish an Atomic Essay (a short, 250-word essay on a single idea), every day for 30 days, all from your very own Social Blog (that you create during your first week).

In just 30 days, you’ll build an entire library of content that serves as the foundation for months, if not years of future content.

And by writing and publishing every day, you’ll demolish your perfectionism, impostor syndrome, and fear of hitting the publish button.

Immerse yourself in a diverse community of other writers, all on the same journey as you
Writing online doesn’t have to be lonely.

But for most beginner writers, it certainly feels that way.

Which is why Ship 30 for 30 is the best onboarding program to writing online.

Other writing courses encourage you to write weekly blog posts into the void – and as a result you hear the sad crickets of indifference from the internet.

But in Ship 30, you’ll surround yourself with like-minded people with the same goal as you: to start writing more and publishing more consistently.

⏳ Every age, from college students to working professionals to retired individuals and everything in between

Every profession, every socioeconomic background, and every possible life perspective

67 different countries, every continent and every time zone

Build lifelong friendships while using the community for accountability and feedback
The internet has democratized access to friendship.

No longer are your friends limited to the people on your street or at your school.

Week 0: How To Build A Writing Habit, Where You Should Be Writing Online, And How To Generate Ideas To Write About!

You will leave onboarding week with the foundation, motivation, and confidence to become a prolific digital writer.

✍How to effortlessly build a lifelong, sustainable writing habit (no matter how busy you are)

⏳ How to find and create your “sacred hours” (whether you’re a morning person, night owl, or anything in between)

Create and launch your very own Social Blog, your new online home (and understand why it’s better than a regular old blog)

?Demolish impostor syndrome, perfectionism, and over-editing once and for all (even if you think you’ve tried everything)

Join the community, interact with your small group of peers interested in the same topics as you and with the same goals as you

Go from “I have no clue what to write about” to “I have way too many ideas to write about” using our Endless Idea Generator

Week 1: How The Game of Digital Writing Works (And How To Play It Well)
On the Monday after onboarding week, you will write and publish your very first Atomic Essay. And then, your ship is sailing and there’s no turning back.

Week 1 is about learning how the game of digital writing works (and how it’s different than the legacy writing world).

✍Publish your first week of essays, saying goodbye to sweaty palms and racing heart that come with the fear of hitting publish

Learn to take 1 idea and say it 100 different ways using the 4A Framework (so you never run out of things to say again)

Overcome perfectionism by “giving yourself permission to create junk” (and watch your confidence skyrocket as a result)

?Use “The Golden Intersection” to get comfortable writing about yourself (without being arrogant)

⚓️ Create your 3 Content Buckets as you learn the difference between General, Niche, and Industry audiences (so you can finally figure out who you are writing for)

Week 2: How To Capture Attention, Keep Attention, And Build Credibility
By the time Week 2 comes around, you will have published more in 7 days than you have in the last 7 weeks, months, or even years.

In Week 2, we cover everything you need to start to build an audience (without all of the headache and sleepless nights).

Learn why writing for everyone means writing for no one (and how to use Pinpoint Writing to start finding your ideal reader)

20 Frameworks for writing headlines readers can’t help but click on (but without using any clickbait)

Why your attempts at being “clever” may be the biggest thing holding you back (and what to do instead)

Understand the 3 Types of Credibility to start writing about something no matter your expertise

How to use the Curiosity Gap (and the “OK?” test) to craft pieces that go viral time and time again
Week 3: How To Make Your Writing Readable, Rhythmic, And Rapidly Revealing.
During Week 3, you’ll unlock some of the little-known secrets that will 10x your writing ability overnight.

These frameworks lead to more moments than any of our other live sessions – because once you see them, you will never write the same way again (and for good reason).

How to use the “1 Chip Rule” to hook your reader and keep them reading (and why your biggest competition is TikTok and Netflix)

5 Proven Ways To Write A Compelling First Sentence (and why this is so important)

Learn to write rhythmically with The 1-3-1 Writing Rhythm (and how you can use this with emails, slack messages, and all types of written communication)

How to write enticing content using a speedy Rate of Revelation (so your reader is never bored again)

?Why “visually dense” writing could be the reason for your slow growth (and why “visually enticing” is your solution)
Week 4: Data-Driven Writing, Becoming Known For A Niche You Own, And How To Position Yourself As An Authority
By the time we get to Week 4, you will have a fundamentally new outlook for what is possible by writing online. And now, it’s time to accelerate your trajectory.

During Week 4, you will have published over 20 pieces of content. And now, you’re going to figure out what worked, what didn’t, and where to go from here.

Learn the 7 data points you should be testing and measuring (so you can see the growth you deserve)

Master the analytics on any platform (so you can stop guessing and start doubling down on what’s working)

How to position your bio for authority and specificity (and why you’re doing this wrong)

Become known for a niche you own (and why you must stop trying to be “better” and learn to start being “different)

How to get feedback from your audience (and let them inform you what to write next)

Beyond Ship 30 for 30 – Your Digital Writing Treasure Map (And How To Take The Next Best Steps)
By the end of Ship 30 for 30, you may be overwhelmed with the number of different paths you can take.

So upon finishing your 30th essay, we present you with the Digital Writing Treasure Map – an overview of all of the ways you can use writing to accelerate yourself and your career.

⚓️ Should you turn your writing into a book?

Should you start a newsletterOr should you start writing on other platforms?

Should you create an online courseAn e-bookA digital product?

Should you become a freelance writerA ghostwriterA copywriter?

Should you use your writing to drive traffic to your products and services?

There are no right answers here! But we’ve had writers take every single one of these paths (and we make sure you figure out which is right for you).

Ship 30 for 30 – Live March Cohort Enrollment Includes:

8 live workshop sessions with examples, walkthroughs, and Q&A sessions for students

10-module curriculum at your own pace (with lifetime access to these recordings)
✍️ Templates and frameworks to help you generate ideas, write clearly, and learn the rules of writing online
LIFETIME ACCESS to session recordings with detailed show notes, resources, and transcripts
⭕️ Private community of writers with channels for different topics, platforms, niches, and geographies
BONUS ACCESS to the recordings from all previous Ship 30 for 30 cohorts
✍️ Leave with 30 pieces of written content and a strong understanding of how to write online

🎬 LIFETIME ACCESS to session recordings with detailed show notes, resources, and transcripts
💻 [BONUS] FREE ACCESS to the recordings from all previous Ship 30 for 30 cohorts
💾 [BONUS] FREE Ship 30 for 30 Typeshare Template Pack ($750 Value, only available as part of Ship 30)
📖 [BONUS] FREE copies of The 22 Laws of Digital Writing, The Art & Business of Online Writing, and Snow Leopard from Nicolas Cole




[BONUS #1] FREE Copies Of All Our Books ($100 Value)
Immediately when you hop aboard, we’ll send over 3 FREE copies of our latest Digital Writing eBooks to help you start learning right away.

The 22 Laws of Digital Writing: A quick compilation of timeless Digital Writing rules to keep on your desk (or desktop), reminding you of what’s most important in your writing practice.

​The Art & Business of Online Writing: A free copy of Nicolas Cole’s best-selling book, and guide to beating the game of capturing & keeping attention.

The 5 Pillars Of Digital Writing: Timeless pillars to help you build a daily writing habit, create an endless idea generation system, practice the Lean Writing Method, craft irresistible headlines, & leverage proven formatting techniques so you can build a Superniche audience & make your first $1 online.

The Art & Business of Ghostwriting: Lastly, as a Ship 30 student, you will also get a free copy of Cole’s latest book—where he shares his biggest lessons after building & scaling his ghostwriting agency to over $3,000,000 in revenue (and explains why ghostwriting is the single most lucrative way to monetize your skills as a writer).

[BONUS #2] The Lean Writing Framework ($199 Value)
The Lean Writing Method is a dedicated mini-course showing you:

• Our exact weekly content creation process
•All of our content strategy & distribution frameworks
• Templates for writing viral short-form & long-form content
• And our unique approach to expand or compress any piece of content hundreds of different ways

The Lean Writing Method is how we are able to publish so much high-quality content, across so many different platforms, every single day for years on end.

And how we’ve built a combined audience of over 750,000 people.

And it’s yours… for free!

[BONUS #3] Become Known For A Niche You Own ($299 Value)
This mini-course is a masterclass in Category Creation:

• How to identify lucrative niches
• How to dominate a niche of your own
• How to identify the most compelling problems in your niche
• How to create unique & differentiated solutions in your niche
• And how to create new “languaging” that people associate with you & your niche

The information in this mini-course has helped us generate millions of dollars, and is absolutely essential if you want to separate yourself from any and all competition.

And it’s yours… for free!

[BONUS #4] Build Your Audience On Autopilot ($199 Value)
You can spend the next year trying to figure out how to build an audience for yourself on the Internet.

Or, we can just give you all the answers:

• What time of day we post (and why)
• How many pieces of content we publish each day/week
•How we think about creating 3-6 month content strategies
• Our proven content buckets for reaching net-new readers, and resonating with our niche
• And how we ultimately move our (rented) social audiences over to owned email platforms (via newsletter)

And it’s yours… for free!


✅ Great X Courses Guarantee: At Great X Courses, we insist in providing you with high quality courses, with direct download links (no paid links or torrents). What you see is exactly what you get, no bad surprises or traps. We update our content as much as possible, to stay up to date with the latest courses updates.


For more info about this course, check out the sales page.


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