Markauteur By Ben Settle – Free Download Book PDF

Markauteur By Ben Settle - Free Download Book PDF - Email Players eBook


Markauteur By Ben Settle – Free Download Book PDF – Email Players eBook


This book may not be for those who prefer quick and superficial approaches, marketers focused on low-quality content, or elitist designers. However, I am convinced that my unconventional design concepts can assist virtually any business in creating visually appealing and effective sales letters, opt-in pages, product covers, logos, ads, and other marketing materials.


These designs can potentially have a significant impact on your profits, influence, brand, and reputation.



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✅ Book Author: Ben Settle

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Markauteur By Ben Settle - Free Download Book PDF - Email Players eBook



🏆 Here’s What You Get & Learn With This Book:


The uncensored story behind how my business pulled 10’s of thousands of dollars in sales with an ad design so wacky I was literally accused of burning someone’s retinas! (You can see how and why it worked so well beginning on page 96.)
How to “tweak” your opt-in page design to potentially scoop up 2, 3, even 4 times more leads for your business over time with just your current traffic. (The same psychology that can help make this work

so well for opt-in pages also helped make the Marlboro Man ads and David Ogilvy’s infamous “Man in the Hathaway Shirt” ads work so well. It also helped me curate one of the single most responsive lists in my industry. See pages 23-26.)

A mysterious mathematical formula that can make your website, product, and other designs so engaging & intriguing people almost can’t look away — even if they want to! (This formula has been used for over 2,000 years by certain famous artists and architects to create magnificent designs… as well as some military generals to create winning battle formations against impossible odds. And a Duke University professor once discovered this formula practically forces your eyes to capture & notice whatever it is you are looking at. Don’t worry — no math degree or even a calculator is required. I explain exactly how it works in one sentence on page 86. And you can observe it today on many of my product covers, logos, graphics, opt-in pages, and other designs.)
An ancient design tip (unearthed by a world famous Biblical scholar) that can inspire people to buy your offers without even reading your ad copy and maybe even “sight unseen!” (I won’t say this is going to happen with all or even most people. But you might be surprised how often it can happen once you start using this tip in your business’ designs. Page 46.)
The “werewolf chasing the screaming bare-chested woman through the forest” method for creating designs so enchanting it can be hard for people to resist staring at them. (This has been used for years by brilliant artists like Frank “Godfather of fantasy art” Frazetta as well as famous ad agencies like Ogilvy & Mather — who cleverly used it in one of their most memorable & successful campaigns. And I have found it perfect for everything from designing info product covers, to website graphics, to logos, to many other business designs. Page 20.)
The real life story of how I turned a plain vanilla design into a tee shirt I sold at $100.00 a pop. (Simply turn to page 80 to see how I did this with a cheap & ordinary tee shirt, and how you might do something similar with your own business’ designs. Pages88-90.)
An ingenious Hollywood film editing trick that can help add enormous amounts of extra selling, persuasion, and influence “power” to your marketing designs. (You can see this in a lot of Alfred Hitchcock movies, and Christopher Nolan did it brilliantly in “Batman Begins.” Page 19.)
One of the world’s most successful web designer’s advice about which exact colors typically get the best response. (Plus, he shows where to find a free online tool that makes selecting the best colors almost as easy as a Google search. He also reveals a popular online forum he recommends studying for its online sales letter designs. Pages 161-162.)
A quickie “crash course” (straight from an art history buff) on how art & design trends can potentially indicate a crippling depression is on the way! (If I had to bet who is more likely to predict a coming economic crash between a world class economist or an art history major fresh out of college… I’d put it all on the art history major in a heartbeat. I’m surprised more art history students don’t try to get into Wall Street once they are taught this. You can see why on page 124.)
A short list of “go-to” fonts that can be perfect for online sales copy engagement. (As well as a certain movie poster font that can be especially responsive for online sales letter headlines. Starts on page 164.)
A surprisingly effective web design approach for nabbing more opt-ins, building a bigger list, and growing your customer base without having to touch the rest of your copy or change your traffic/lead gen. (I got into a public feud with an A-list copywriter about this many years ago. And the fact so few “for real” marketing leaders like him still aren’t doing it makes it a fat list-building opportunity for those of us who do. Turn to pages 99-104, make the small adjustment you will read there for approaching your website lead gen, and watch what happens to your opt-in numbers!)
How Walt Disney would “jimmy” his brain to sometimes get almost inhuman amounts of creative work done at seemingly superhuman speed. (Famous writer Ray Bradbury once noticed Walt doing this and was astounded by how well it works. If you are someone who likes brain & productivity “hacks” this one is a doozy. Especially if you want to get more work done during times when you’d rather be sleeping, playing, or lounging. See page 80.)
Insider tips straight from the guy who has designed all my most responsive websites. (Including sales letter design tips… opt-in page design tips… headline design tips… body copy design tips… color design tips… font design tips… and even design tips for online business owners who don’t have a creative bone in their bodies or suck at coding. You will also discover the famous architect he gets a lot of his ideas from… and the “big three” industries he looks at to keep up on the hottest design techniques that can crawl right into your customers’ psychology and want to buy what you’re selling. Starts on page 157.)
One of the direct marketing industry’s most respected and successful designer’s advice for picking fonts that make it “comfortable” to buy from your business. (Do this right and the mere fonts you use can make customers more attracted to your business, and without having to change even one single word of your sales copy. Page 155.)
An “underground” and almost cult-like design-driven ad format (very briefly — in one sentence — mentioned in Gene Schwartz’s classic Breakthrough Advertising book) that can quickly help you nab more sales, more opt-ins, or more leads… as well as hog a whole lot more market share… and possibly even the very first time you use it! (I doubt even 1 in 10,000 marketers have ever bothered testing this, much less are using it. Yet this near-magical design-heavy format has collectively helped rake in probably tens of millions in sales over the past 100 years for all kinds of businesses. I’ve been investing in, experimenting with, and profiting from this format for the past few years. And while I cannot say for sure, this might even be the first place it’s ever been formerly taught in any kind of detail — although don’t quote me on that… Whatever the case, Markauteur shows you real-life examples you can use for inspiration & case studies — with everything broken down in “plain English” so you can start profiting from it without any extra-long learning curves. See pages 105-116.)
A cunning twist on how to write stories in your ads that can give people almost no choice but to lean in and pay close attention to what you’re selling. (Markauteur is not “about” writing sales copy or stories. But I show you an example of this storytelling twist in order to describe a design principle I have used to help beef up my own business’ response. See page 20.)
How to create a bonafide cult around you and your business by inventing your own eccentric & 100% unique-looking “style” for your visuals & designs.

The raw basics of color psychology… and ideas for applying it to your business & marketing design. (Including one reason why the Jolly Green Giant probably still makes so much money after nearly 100-years… and also how, for example, Hormel Chili radically “upped” their sales simply by changing the color on their logo. See page 149.)
A sneaky method (inspired by something advertising genius Leo Burnett taught his in-house agency designers & copywriters 60+ years ago) for creating the perfect titles for your offers. (One thing I teach inside Markauteur is a product’s title is the “verbal” part of the design, and the design is the “visual” part of the title. This is something certain, very savvy advertisers routinely did many years ago to help make their clients a lot of sales. And yet, it might as well be a lost art today. Go directly to page 9 to see exactly how it’s done, with plenty of examples.)
Another way for creating product titles used by Stan Lee to whip up fictional country names that are so authentic sounding (like Dr. Doom’s Latveria and Black Panther’s Wakanda) many people literally think they are real places, and still look for them on maps! (I’ve used this exact method for years to help some of my friends create blockbuster titles. And during that time some people have asked me to consult them on how I do it. But since I don’t do consulting, and since I consider the words in a title to be as much a part of the design as the images… I decided to teach it inside Markauteur on page 11.)
A totally bizarre way to get more engagement by making your designs hard to look at and painful to consume! (There are psychological & emotional reasons why this works when done properly. And Markauteur spends a lot of time showing you how to go about doing it. Pages 12 and 129-130.)
An admittedly boring way (used by certain famous writers & poets) of turning an ordinary pair of shoes into a bonafide “idea generation” factory for your business’ designs. (This has been responsible for everything from the name of our BerserkerMail platform… to my best book cover design & title ideas… to some of my most effective headlines, emails, stories, and the list goes on. This goes well beyond design and can potentially “ratchet-up” ALL your marketing. See page 87.)
A popular wood engraving from artist Gustave Doré (you can see free in Google Images) that is like a master class in how to quickly shoot lots of persuasion and “sell” into nearly any design you create. (Doing this almost always gets attention, requires little creativity, and I’ve used it for years to give my designs a helluva lot more power. Bonus: it also works for writing more persuasive headlines and email subject lines, too. Page 47.)
A real-life example of how changing just one single word in your product titles can help you instantly project more value than anyone else selling around you! (It took me almost 10-years to figure this out. But you can learn all about it in as little as 10-seconds starting on page 60.)
A shrewd psychological trick (used by one of the greatest “Mad Men” advertisers who ever lived) for turning your customer’s imagination into your best salesman. (If you enjoyed the old Dos Equis Man commercials I bet you will especially love using this. I certainly enjoy using it in my business-related designs. And judging by the response my covers & graphics often get, many of my customers also enjoy engaging with them, too. See how it works on page 23.)
The foolishness of blindly only selling low brow & cheaply designed “guerrilla-style” info products. (Almost all the old school direct response marketing tests show low brow and cheaply produced works better and gets less refunds than stylishly-designed “mass market”-looking products. And yet I’m over here selling the opposite format like hotcakes for several hundred to over a thousand dollars a pop. See a brief explanation of why and how on page 151.)
The startling discovery of a high-end art gallery owner whose paintings sell better when they hang crooked on the wall. (And how this discovery might also bring you more new sales, more new customers/clients, and more new business. Page 18.)
The secret buried in world renown artist Edvard Munch’s famous “The Scream” painting for creating more powerful, more persuasive, and more profitable business & marketing designs. (This secret was one reason why Hitchcock’s movie “The Birds” achieved so much notoriety and influenced some of history’s most successful horror filmmakers. Just wait’ll you see what it can do to your business visuals & designs — regardless of the topic, market, offer, or emotion you want to evoke in your customers & clients. Pages 39-40.)
A NON-design lesson on how to possibly create so much demand for your business’ offers or services you can potentially charge whatever you want for them! (Nothing to do with design. But since it’s briefly mentioned in the book, and since it is sometimes so reliably effective at letting a business jack up prices and fees… figure I might as well mention it here. Page 68.)
A self-made celebrity’s unorthodox method for nabbing roles in hit movies you can use to “celebrity-up” your own business’ designs & visuals. (Some screenwriters and directors thought this celebrity sucked as an actor but hired him anyway. Why? Because he helped bring in big movie theater crowds at least partly due to being so relatable — where his fans felt they knew him on a deeper level. And if you can apply what he did to your book covers, logos, web pages, graphics, or anything else… I believe you can potentially help create fans & customers who feel they know you at a deeper level, too. And therefore be more likely to want to buy your offers as a result and design. Pages 29 & 30.)
The weird reason why being an obnoxiously pretentious, self-indulgent, and solipsistic “a-hole” can be an invaluable asset when creating the visual & design-side of your business. (This is no joke. And I don’t like it probably any more than you do. But it can sometimes be like a secret weapon in business with which you almost cannot lose. Page 64.)
How to “coax” a photographer into taking headshots and other photos of you that can help create a powerful “I GOT to buy from this business” reaction. (Most headshots have about as much sales & influence power as glamour shots taken in a mall kiosk. Seems everyone uses the same boring shots, poses, & props. But Markauteur reveals a crafty way I’ve used to get photographers to take the best shots with the most “sales appeal”, while spending less than 30 minutes in the studio. This can work whether you are a man or woman, no matter what market you are in, or what kind of offers you sell. Obviously, if you think my headshots suck, this won’t impress you. Otherwise, go to pages37 & 38.)
A totally ridiculous and completely offensive design technique used by a $50 million dollar shoe company whose customers sometimes happily & eagerly…

A brilliant engagement secret (you can see in several of Martin Scorsese’s movies) that can help make your webpages, covers, graphics, and other business designs instantly and clearly stand out from everything else in your market. (This secret can quickly endear audiences to the story & characters in movies. And I believe it can help do the same to your marketing & product designs — and perhaps even make it so yours are the ONLY ones people notice at all. Page 108.)
A sleepy way to goose-up your sales letter response by showing MORE design and LESS benefits. (The copywriting fanboys haunting free Facebook groups all day will likely say this is impossible. But it ain’t just my opinion & experience from my own design projects, it comes directly from hard testing done by one of the highest-paid copywriters who ever lived. Pages 44 & 45.)
The controversial “black chick secret” for using design in your business & marketing to lord over all your competition, and be seen as superior to them in every way — with your business maybe even being the only real option some customers will consider buying from at all! (Just realize this doozy of a technique can completely screw with the typical goo-roo fanboy’s mind, and will probably only frustrate & disappoint amateurs addicted to shortcuts, hacks, & swipe files. Page 60.)
How you can use “Easter eggs” in your designs to whip up a rash of new sales and engagement from your most fanatical customers over time. (Ever since discovering the selling power of using Easter Eggs — i.e., little details maybe only 10% of my customers will ever notice — I’ve doubled down on slipping them inside emails, content, videos, podcasts, interviews, sales letters, ads, fiction writing, and, yes… product & marketing designs. See pages 74 & 75.)
Strategical ways to profit from your business’ designs (beyond just selling your offers) for years and decades into the future. (I learned this by studying how famous strategists like Machiavelli & strong military leaders like Patton thought, plotted, and schemed. Paying to have designs created for your business should never “cost” you anything if you use them strategically. They should only make your business money. Pages 42-44.)
How to make your product designs so inherently creepy they might disturb women and scare children! (I have only used this tip with one of my book covers. But if you have an offer that lends itself to this sort of thing, turn to page 139. You’ll discover a secret found in a painting I once stared at all night in a boutique hotel in Baltimore, that Agora Financial put me up in when speaking to their writers. Very powerful info. Especially if you ever want to invoke a strong emotion of dread, fear, or just plain unease or creepiness in a product or marketing design.)
Where to find graphic & web designers that are practically “custom made” just for your business. (In my opinion, a lot of designers absolutely suck at what they do, and some will happily take your money and not deliver anything at all. But Markauteur shows you exactly where you might find some great designers that might possibly even care as much — or even more —- about your business as you do. All of which can save you a ton of time, a ton of frustration, and maybe even a ton of money. Page 28.)
A completely intangible and un-trackable way to use design to help potentially double, triple, or even quadruple your business’ sales over time. (Direct response marketers who live & die by a spreadsheet probably won’t even bother trying this. And yet, I DEFY you not to use this in your next marketing campaign, launch, or offer and not notice a profound & clear-cut increase in sales & response — regardless of your marketing or copywriting skills now. Page 151.)
14 down-n-dirty ways to use lots of money-making drama in your business’ designs to sometimes get massive amounts of new engagement, new influence, and new sales. (There is no better way I know of to get your business & marketing noticed, get your offers & services consumed, and get your customers & clients so excited they can’t wait to tell everyone they know about you… than by aggressively “mainlining” as many of these 14 ways into your business designs as possible. Fun begins on page 44.)
What to do if you find yourself struggling for words to put on the covers of well-designed books & other info products. (This may just be the best “cure” ever invented for getting un-stuck when your brain is mush, and you can’t think of anything to write on a product cover. Page 66.)
The “persuasion soup” reason why so much high-priced art & fashion is riddled with mistakes, errors, and problems… and how to use this info to charge a bundle for your business’ offers. (Believe it or not, this quirk of human nature is an open secret in the celebrity, art, fashion, filmmaking, and even social media worlds. Yet most online marketers still haven’t caught on to it. But when you know how to manipulate this “feature” in buyer psychology to your own ends, you can potentially charge whatever you want for your offers, and still have a line of people scrambling to buy. See page 36.)
When you should purposely use a weaker design you don’t prefer over choosing a stronger design. (Plus, simple ways to profit from discarded designs you aren’t using. Page 73.)
Where to sometimes find great fonts for book and other info product covers not found on Google, Adobe, Apple, Microsoft, or anywhere else. (A perfect “antidote” to foiling the swipe & copy brigade, if nothing else. See page 91.)
The Gene Schwartz guide to designing sales pages, opt-in pages, and other business pages for maximum response. (Some of my page designs are almost laughably bare bones & low brow. Others are obnoxiously ugly & physically painful for some people to look at. And a few are so stylish & slick-looking even pompous designers nod in approval when seeing them. But all adhere to Schwartz’s invaluable advice inside that I highly suggest following to the letter. Page 96.)
A secret way (learned from one of the single greatest email marketers who ever lived) about how to open a prospect up to wanting to hear about an offer they did not even know existed 5-seconds earlier. (I have found this can apply just as profitably — and maybe even more profitably — to the design-side of a business. In fact, since learning this I noticed a couple of the most successful direct mail copywriters on the planet also do it on their magalog covers. Page 106.)
The Andy Warhol way for potentially being able to jack up the price of your offers without changing anything else — or even selling that great of an offer! (I don’t believe in selling crap offers. But the reality is, if you do this right and have the right kind of list… you could probably sell a pile of horse manure for a pretty penny if you wanted to, with your customers still happy they paid so much for it. Use this tip on page 128 wisely, and at your own risk.)
An old ratings trick played by some savvy TV network execs that can help build out your business’ visual brand, influence, & marketing World-Building campaigns. (This was masterfully used in the 90’s in NBC’s Thursday night sitcom lineup. It can not only sometimes help your upsells, cross sells, and back end sales… but it might also help make them more fun for customers & clients to purchase, too. Page 58.)
And speaking of business World-Building & design: Markauteur also features several “back-room”-style conversations about how one of the most respected & successful direct response designers on the planet thinks, works, & makes money for her clients.


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